Long drive

Work today was fine.  I ended up taking an order for a shadow box, it wasn’t too difficult to put together though, at first I was thinking, sure, give me a big project to do before I leave! But it was way easier than I thought it would be!  The only bad thing about today was Kim finding out I’d given my notice.  It never occurred to me that I never actually told her I’d given my notice.  I wrote her on Sunday and told her about the job, but I was still contemplating, I hadn’t made up my mind yet.  I’d tried to call her Monday night when I’d pretty much made up my mind, but she didn’t answer, and I didn’t say anything on her voicemail becides oh, I just wanted to talk! 

So she came back all, you gave your notice?? And hugged me, then was talking to her self, saying oh no, I’m not getting emotional right now!  There’s plenty of time for that latter!  Then a little after that she had to run to the bathroom so she wouldn’t start bawling right there. 🙁  Awww.  I’m going to miss my Kimmy!  Then for the next couple hours, every time we saw each other, we both got a little misty eyed.  Thankfully, that seems to have worn off for now.  We had lunch together, so that was really nice.  I need to make sure I schedule in time with all my girls before I leave!!

We’re pretty slow at work, Maxine is trying to get everyone to do back tags or something useful, since we’re (I mean THEY’RE!) going to be doing inventory soon.  But meh, that doesn’t sound like fun at all!  And my new motto is, hey, what are they going to do, fire me?? ~L~ I mean I’m doing frame shop stuff, my orders are done, I’m just not going to bust my butt for them any more!  Anyway, Maxine left at 4:30, so there must not be anything TOO pressing that needs to get done, ya know?  So as soon as she left, I was all, fuck it, I’m out of here! 

Luke has some big teacher work shop thing in Spokane on Thursday, so we’d made plans to spend the weekend in Spokane.  Originally, he was going to drive here and pick me up, then we were going to go to Spokane, but then he had this meeting that got moved to tonight, so it ended up making more sense for me to drive there and pick him up then go to Spokane.  I was supposed to leave work at 5, so getting out at 4:30 was nice, though it would have been better if I had packed all my crap into my truck the night before, oh, and then if I hadn’t left my camera at work and had to go back to get it!  Doh!  I ended up leaving Wenatchee at about 4:50, so it wasn’t as much of a early departure as I’d hoped! 

Then after driving the hour and a half to Bridgeport, we drove another like 3 hours to Spokane.  It wouldn’t have taken quite that long if it hadn’t been for the fog, it was pretty bad in some places.  By the time we got to our hotel, I was beat!  My feet were all clausterphobic from being in new shoes all day, and I was just uncomfortable from driving for so long!  I would have had Luke drive, but he fell asleep on me, the little punk!!

Our hotel room was ok, it was the one the school paid for, $259 a night according to the little thing on the door.  If I’d paid that much for that room, I would have been PISSED!  It was right by the elevators, so there was all that noise, the bathroom was cramped, and it was just so plain.  I mean when Luke paid $150 for our room at the hotel Lusso, at least it looked elegant and had a fancy bathroom!  This place wasn’t any better than a Motel 8.  Actually, worse, since you had to pay for parking and they don’t have a continental breakfast!  So boo on them! We certainly won’t be staying there again!

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March 2, 2008

i just noticed that you wrote this entry on wednesday, but it’s only now just showing up in my ‘favorites new entries’ section. why does it always do this? anywho, poor kimmy. there are downsides to every plus. hopefully you two can stay in touch and meet up every now and then! much love.

March 2, 2008

I know some people like your friend and it’s hard to be around them for long…it’s hard work keeping an optimistic outlook and reminding ourself not to take what they say too seriously. Oh! Because I don’t sound like a stalky enough creep yet, I found Omak on Google Maps! Scott went down to Bellingham over the weekend so I had to find out where that was exactly. So Omak is just down from the Kootenay Lake!!! 😀 Oh, you guys have to go there sometime! Haha, right across the border is Bountiful, which is a polygamist settlement. You can’t even find it on the map… I think it’s part of Lister maybe? But Creston is just great – there are so many artisans and it’s so pretty! A little further north is the Kootenay lake which is so, so, soooo pretty, and even in the middle of summer you will be able to find a beach that isn’t crowded! 🙂 It will really be nice when I live in the same city as Scott and I imagine the same with you and Luke! 🙂