Laugh too loud

And when people stare, laugh louder!  I had to laugh at myself a couple of times today, and I had a few sporadic fits of craziness, mostly becuase I was feeling a little cranky, and I’m getting annoyed with me being cranky!  So I went along, laughing for no reason, singing random bits of songs and gobbling like a turkey at one point; and then when something actually was fuuny, I laughed way too loud! ~L~  Then I got to the point where when I was dealing with a cranky customer, I was actually smiling more and being as friendly as I could, sometimes I get in this mood where I take on the attitude of, "right now, I’m going to be so very thankful that I am not you and that I know how to be nice and friendly and smile!"  I aquired this mindset a few years ago after spending a weekend with some friends of mine, who are very nice people, but they have all this drama, and all this angst, and everything is so much more complicated than it needs to be.  So sometimes, as rotten as it kinda sounds, I have to be so greateful that that is not my life. 

Anyway, the whole thing is, I’ve felt like ever since the whole valentine thing with Matt, I just haven’t been totally myself.  I haven’t been really down about it, and I’m not dwelling on it any more, but I’ve still just been a little cranky.  I’ve found something though that brings me back to full compacity perkiness though!|10001|10051|559369|-102001;11443;-102034;92054||P2R14S|ecards  That just completely cracks me up! It totally reminds me of me and my friend Edin!  We always had the best times together!

Let’s see, oh, I didn’t workout today.  Booo!  Mom went and gave blood, so she couldn’t workout, and I don’t like going to kickboxing alone (mostly because it’s hard to find another partner who can hold right!) so I was going to go to the gym after work, but I ran off this morning without my stuff.  My plan was to come home and get it, but mom pouted at me about how they hurt her, and she wanted cookies, and didn’t want me to leave… I’d be annoyed if she wasn’t so darn cute! ~L~  So we ended up going to the store for some groceries, then I made chocolate chip cookies, and we watched some movies. (My super ex-girlfriend, which was funny, and we’ll probably end up buying it, and some B movie I can’t remember the name of, but it had Tori Spelling in it, and she was pretending to have a family to get a promotion, and of course things get out of hand and later she falls in love with the guy she hired to play her hubby. It was one of the best B movies I’d seen in a while actually!)

After that, I wasted some time on my silly picture (go back one entry!) I found a better picture of the guy that was on the left, so I had to change him out! ~L~ And to think, all I really wanted was to see if I could put myself in that dress, now I got a couple of guys to keep me company! ~giggles~  Now I kinda want to go to that bridal shop and ask how much that dress is… but I don’t need my crazy ass spending a couple hundred (or more!) dollars on a dress that’s like 20 sizes too small!  So I’ll just settle for my little day dream!

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March 6, 2007

lol I’d say send a cookie my way but I’m trying to be good! Yep, my birthday is the 25th 🙂

March 6, 2007

Ahh, Tori Spelling. Can’t act for beans.

What a cute card. Haha I forgot about those little characters. P.S. On an unrelated note – have you ever tried Turbo Jam? I was up until 3 last night and the informercial really got to me. (They know when you’re most vulnerable…) They say “lose 10 pounds in 10 days.” I’d like to think that is possible…I want to know if I should shell out the cash. (They have 30 day risk free trial.)

RYN: Turbo jam is a series of DVDs. They actually look like they’d be fun and challenging.

March 10, 2007

mmmm, chocolate chip cookies sound delish. especially the scent of them wafting throughout the house. what a happy thought. ryn: thanks for thinking of me hon. it feels real nice knowing that i’m missed. much love.