Lacking Manual Labor Motivation

Today is the start of another 4 day weekend for me.  the original plan was to tackle the garage.  I really want to get it cleaned out!  We’ve just been tossing give-away/yard sale stuff in there for the last 4 1/2 years! Once it’s cleaned out, we’re going to get it insulated, and put up a real wall, and make it into a ceramics studio!  yeah!! 

Anyway, I’m still going to get the garage done, but first, I need to get the rest of the damn sod laid!  There’s not too much left to do, but I’m so not looking forward to it!  I’m stalling, writing e-mails to Luke, reading the book that I never should have started reading yesterday, sorting my laundry… Sheesh!  It’s like when I had to do homework in college, the entire house would get cleaned first! 

All right, so I’ve made some sod laying progress.  We got one load of sod that was kinda junk stuff, it just had missing spots or whatever, but we took it to cover Maggie’s hill with.  Yup, Maggie has a hill.  When whoever built the additions on to the back of the house, they just piled up all the dirt to one side, so there’s a hill, and Maggie has made a race track around it, she just loves zooming around that thing!  So I pulled all the big tall weeds off the top of it, watered it down, built up around the two 6×6 beams that are half buried under it, then laid the sod over all of it.  I have to say, it looks pretty good.  (I should have taken a picture of it before!)

There’s still a big hole in the middle of it from where mom was trying to cut out this tree that keeps popping up.  I think it’s some kind of walnut.  She hates that thing!  She dug really deep to cut it out, then she’s going to put some of that stump kill stuff on it!  Anyway, the hill is done, I had to do that first, since the sod we got for it was piled up on the side of the yard where I need to lay the rest of the sod.  I managed to get some of that down too, then mom came home to pack and leave for grandpas, so I went in side and had lunch with her.

While we were having lunch, mom was reminding me to water everything, and telling me to put the dogs in before I water the new sod, since Maggie likes playing with the water.  I’m all, oh, what fun is that!?  Well, a few minutes later I discovered that it’s no fun at all.  I had left the hose out on the lawn and the dogs out while we were having lunch.  Maggie had played with the water, and in doing so had managed to mess up a good section of the sod.  *curses* She kinda digs at the end of the hose like she’s trying to pick it up or something, so there were all these little bits of sod all over the place!  I was so upset about it that I actually started to cry!  I guess it’s just because I’m so tired of sod, and I want to be working on the garage, and now I have to waste that much more time fixing the mess she made! 

5:30 and the sod is finally done!   Remember how the back yard looked in January?

Here is is now!  We’re planning on fencing off most of the back yard to keep the dogs out of there so we can make it all fancy! So the weedy looking area in the front would be left open for the dogs, and the open area in the back will have a path into the garden right there and the pool behind that!

We’re going to have a path to the center, and we’ll get some kind of pretty tree to put there, and lot of flowers around it!

I even managed to get started on the garage too, so at least I feel like I got something accomplished on that front as well!  After that I stayed up way too late finishing my book and writing Luke a hugely long e-mail!  Oh! And I got to actually talk to him on the phone for a few minutes.  It was just that too, only a few minutes, but it was so nice to hear his voice and actually talk to him.  ~sigh~

Oh!  And you’ll never guess!  In the e-mail he sent me he said that he might have Tuesday off!!  That was before he even read my e-mail about the comedy show!!  It is so beyond awesome that we may actually be able to go together!!  ~squeee~

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I can’t believe you can even do that. I’ve done *some* manual labour in my life. (Tree planting, fence painting, painting, etc. I’m just not cut out for it.)