just next to you…

Luke and I very happily lounged around in bed this morning.  It was such a nice change!  Then we got up and made some french toast.  Though since it was around 11, we ended up talking about lunch, then decided to go to the SUPER CHINA *STAR* BUFFET!  ~L~  I don’t like buffets too much, I really can’t eat that much, and of course, you always feel a little icky afterwards!

The best thing ever happened though, or rather, I should say, I got the best fortune ever:

**Stop searching forever.  Happiness is just next to you.**

~s~  We were sitting out in the car when I read it, then Luke was all wait!  And he looks over to the left, and the right, and sees no one else, so he declairs that the fortune is absolutely right. ~s~  Then we made out for a while.  ~s~

After that, we went to the mall and wondered around.  I’m not really sure why.  I did find some glitter eye shadow suitable for Vegas!  Then we went to Clairs, they have these huge fake rings.  There was this giant one for $10.50, though Luke said that was .50 cents more than he wanted to spend!  ~L~  Then we went to Ross, I picked out some dresses, then mom called to remind me about our appointments, which I’d completely spaced out!  So I just bought the dresses without trying them on!

Later that night I was talking to mom about what time we were leaving in the morning, and she seemed kinda mad at me.  So I talked to her a little more and ended up crying and telling her how it’s so difficult for me to divide my time among people I love.  I’m all pmsy and a little drunk.  At least I’m spending all day tomorrow with her!

When I got done talking to mom, I came back into my room and cried on Luke for a while.  He was very sweet and understanding and perfect about it.  We went and sat outside for while and discussed some of the questions in the intellectual foreplay book.  It was funny in a way though, I randomly flipped open the book and started, and it was the section about commitment, and that’s the one thing that I was all ready like 99% sure about!  Oh well, next time we’ll get into other areas!

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