It’s getting hot!

Sleeping next to Luke all night was a lot better than just taking a nap with him. ~s~ In a lot of ways… that I’ll keep to myself!  ~L~  It made me realize though, Jake never spooned me, and that’s like the best thing ever!  It’s kinda funny, becuase I thought Jake was pretty affectionate, but Luke is better at it.  I should really stop comparing them huh?  I guess it’s not a bad thing though, I mean I’d never, ever go back to Jake, and so far, I can’t find anything that Jake has over Luke, it’s just all about how much better Luke is, but still, it does seem a little messed up!  

We couldn’t lounge around in bed for too long, he had to go out and take care of his grandpa.  Make sure he took his pills and ate something.  His grandpa probably should be living in a home, or at least a place closer to Luke and his dad, but he still lives out in his house in the country.  Luke said right now it would be too much of a struggle to get grandpa out of his house, I guess his grandma passed away not too long ago.  Luke is so patient and sweet though!  I’m turning into a sap!

After we finished with grandpa, we went and had breakfast.  I got biscuts and gravy, I usually do when I go out for breakfast, it’s either that or pancakes.  The food was all right, but I’ve had better.  Thier coffee was at least decent, so that’s good, I hate when the coffee is horrible! 

We were trying to figure out what to do, and decided to check out the book stores.  There was this one really neat looking book store, and I was excited to check it out.  Luke is as much of a book freak as I am, so this is a good thing!  We spent some time looking around, laughed at some of the titles, and I found some really great old books.  I love old books even more than used books and books in general!  I got a 1921 copy of Mark Twain’s the Prince and the Pauper; a 1966 copy of Wind in the Willows; and "The Bobsey Twins at the Seashore", for my mom.  Oddly, it has no copyright date.  The real gems I found in the kid’s book section, from 1963, "Sprockets; a Little Robot"; from 1968, "Kap and the Wicked Monkey" and from 1955, "Space Cat visits Venus"!   I can’t wait to read them!!  They’re all in pretty good shape too!  I got a more modern book too, "what if" It has all kinds of questions in it.  Luke and I decided that we must get it after I opened it to a random page and read, "What if you had to kill someone you know?  Who would it be, and how would you do it?  Of course, we both have a sick sense of humor, so we laughed our asses off and decided to get it!  I set my books up on the counter to buy them, and Luke puts his with them and says they’re together!  He bought me books!  ~grin~   I think that’s just the best thing!  Ok, and I’m really excited to be with someone who loves books as much as I do!  Now if he can do what I did, figure out what I like and buy me a book as a present, then I’ll be really hooked!  ~s~

As we were walking back to the car, Luke told me he’d never been in that book store before!  Never?  I was so shocked!  How could a book lover ignore the large used book store!  I gave him hell about that!  ~L~  The book store that he goes to wasn’t as good, I mean it was a nice little book store, but it was all new books.  Though maybe considering he’s a teacher and maybe wants his info up-to-date, then newer place makes more sense.  I was still in shock that he’d never been to the used book store though!  Seriously!!  ~L~ Luke did find this little stuffed rattle type thing shaped like a pea that said sweet pea on it, so he had to buy it!  I thought that was pretty cute.  I still have to find one of those where the peas are velcroed in and it says two peas in a pod!

We left the book store and walked down the street checking out the other shops that looked interesting.  Well, they mostly had nic nac crap.  We kept joking the whole time about getting hitched in Vegas, he’d see a display of rings, and be all, oh baby, I’m going to get you the biggest, gaudy ring ever!  So when I found one that had a huge square pink stone in it, I had to let him know that would be the big gaudy ring I’d wear!  Then, since we happened to find one that resembled the simple design that I’d really like in a wedding ring, I showed him that too, and told him how this and that should be different, but it was really close!  Then he asked if I wanted to go to the jewlers!  ~L~ I laughed and said yeah!  You might as well start making payments now!

When we were finished shopping the vast expanse of three blocks that is "down town" Ephrata,  we were trying to figure out what to do next.  Luke suggested Soap Lake, since it’s only 4 miles away, even though he warned me that it’s not the most exciting place in the world.  On the way there, I discoved that some of the features in my fancy truck are best left un-used.  For example, it will tell you the direction that you’re traveling, as well as the out side temperature.  Well, when it’s 103 degrees out, you really, really don’t need or want to know the temperature! 

When we got to Soap Lake, we parked and started walking down the street, at the end of main street, there was a guy putting a sign into his truck that was advertising a library book sale.  I’m all, oh man!  We missed the book sale!  And the guy tells us it’s not too late, we’re welcome to check it out.  So we walked to the library, which was only like two blocks, but we agreed, considering the heat, we should have driven there! 

Since it was the last day of the book sale, they gave us books for a dollar a bag!  What a value!  I got some random novels, a massage book, and a couple of weight loss type books, including the Oprah/Bob Greene Make the Connection book.  Luke found a whole bag full of history type books too.  Then he carried my books back to the car for me. ~grin~  It was so cute!  And I just love that we have this common book fetish!  I was telling him how on e-harmony they have these questions, and one of them is "what is the last book you read for pleasure?", and how if the guy in question replied that he didn’t read for pleasure, that was grounds for dismissal!  I mean hell, if you’re going to use a dating web site, you can be as picky as you want!!  Anyway, it’s just awesome that he loves books as much as I do!

After the book sale, we went to this little art gallery there.  The art wasn’t very impressive, though there was one piece that I liked, and one that I found absolutely hilarious.  There was this picture of a little girl, and these three little kittens that I’m sure the artist meant to be all cute, however, the little girl looked kinda creepy, like the blonde sister of the well girl from the Ring, and the one little kitten that was supposed to be rolling and frolicking looked, well, dead.  I told Luke that I thought the one kitten was dead, th

en I said I was sure of it, since the other little kitten looked really scared and concerned!  I really wish I would have had my camera!  Damn it!  I left it in my purse in the car, since I decided it was too hot to be lugging the thing around!  Anyway, Luke and I are laughing about the dead kitty, and the proprieter of the exhibit asks us what’s so funny.  We’re like, oh nothing! 

Once we’d had a good laugh at the expense of some dead kitties, we walked around and checked out the rest of the town.  There were only a couple of little shops open, and neither of them had anything too interesting.  Though it did occur to me that I was having a pretty good time in a very small town, in 103 degree heat… ~s~  You know you’ve got something good when you can do that!

We left Soap Lake, and Luke was telling me about some of the wineries he’d read about in the area, so we decided to go get a free buzz.  The first place we went to wasn’t all that good.  Cave B – They had a $5 tasting fee, which we only paid becuase we’d driven all the way out in the middle of no where to get to this winery!  They were pretty snobby, and their wine was mediocre.  When we had finished tasting the 4 or 5 wines they had (which wasn’t all the wines they sell, I really hate it when places don’t offer tasting os everything they sell!) we looked around at the other things they had for sale in their little shop, I determined that Luke looks good in hats!

We were about to leave when a guy came over and said, oh, don’t forget your glasses!  They’re part of the tasting fee!  Huh, nice of the other guy to tell us that.  You think he would have said, oh, it’s a $5 fee, but you get to keep the glasses, or when we were done, he could have said, oh, hold on a second and let me clean these out for you!  Something! 

We left the winery, which was pretty much in the middle of no where, and came across this sign:

So um, which way should we go? ~L~  If I knew the name of the road that sign was on, I’d look it up so I could see how that works!

The next winery we went to was better.  Jones Farms – The lady there was really nice, and she poured practically full glasses!  She also told us that we were a really cute couple!  ~s~  The last winery was the best.  White Heron – The guy out there was really nice too, and thier wines are really amazing!  They were also reasonably priced.  He said they don’t have anything over $20 a bottle, I think that’s pretty great!  I bought two bottles, a cab franc and a pinot noir.  They conveniently had some little tables set up in the sade by the vinyard, we sat there for a while and talked, and well, I needed to sober up a little before driving back to Ephrata!

When we had sobered up enough to drive, we went out to grandpa’s to give him his nightly pill.  When we left, I told Luke how incredibly sweet he was for taking care of his grandpa like he does.  As we were driving back to Luke’s, my mom called.  I talked to her for a while and told her everything was going good, and that we were having a good time.  I told her that his mom had hugged me, so I think she likes me!  Then Luke chimed in and said, yeah, she told me not to let you go.  ~grin~  I like hearing things like that!

We stopped on the way back to Luke’s and got pizza for dinner.  His little dog decided that he liked me well enough when I was feeing him pieces of my crust!  Though he ran away when I’d finished eating!  We also opened a bottle of wine that I’d brought with me, a cab/shiraz blend.  It was pretty good.  Later, we went out in the back yard, I had another bottle of wine that I’d brought, a Saryh Port dessert wine.  We sat by the little fire pit in the back yard and sipped that.  It was a really nice night. ~s~

I may have been regretting blurting out that I loved him last week, but it’s definately growing on me…

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