It’s a Conspiracy…

And I’m in on it… ~L~ I all ready told you how Bill’s planning on leaving in the fall, and Cate’s all ready looking for another job, well, today, I picked up this folded up piece of paper in the frame shop, and I started reading it.  "The job you inquired about before has all ready been filled, however, there is another position…" then Tiffany snatched it out of my hand, "that’s mine!"  I told her later I didn’t mean to read her business, but she should totally go for it, get the hell out of this place!  ~L~  Then she called me while I was still at work to get Chuck’s phone number.  (He was our manager in the frame shop before he retired.)  I said, yeah, he’s a good referance!  Cate, Tiffany and I were talking today about how absolutely wonderful it would be if we all left.  It would be.  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!

Yesterday, I’d walked over to the grocery store to get something for lunch, and when I came back, I’d told Tiffany that they were hiring, and I told Cate today, and I told them both how even if you got hired at minimum wage, you’d probably be making the same as you’re making now within a year.  Today Cate was saying that she hopes I do get out, that they’ve just treated me like crap, and it would really be fabulous if we all left.  I was telling them too how for the next couple of months, we should all do our absolute best.  Be perfect employees, work hard, be happy, don’t complain… and that will make the victory that much better!  So yeah, at this point, I’m definately out.  I’m just hanging in there for the next couple of months so I get my two weeks vacation!  Oh, though I think I may go and talk to the managers before then and act all sincere about wanting to do better and be better and mostly getting a raise.  (Because my vacation pay is what ever I’m getting paid currently… ~evil grin~  God, I can’t wait! 

Oh! And the more fun stuff, Luke wrote me back, a brilliantly long letter. (God, I LOVE boys that know how to talk!) I haven’t actually talked to him, but writting a letter is actually more impressive, don’t ya think?  Anyway, I’ll go into more detail on that latter, since it’s late and I’m tired, and I have to sleep!!

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May 11, 2007

That sounds like a great plan! They’ll never know what hit ’em 🙂

My friends and I all quit our jobs at the same time to leave our employer high and dry, it rocked. 3 of us quit at the same time. The other two gave their notices, I did not hehe. They knew I was leaving tho’. They were screwed.

Luke? Who is Luke?

May 13, 2007

i’m happy you’ve reached a decision about your job. you seem pleased with it, so good for you! you’ll be better off elsewhere. and yea for luke! i loooooove when guys do that! i love getting letters. it makes me feel special and important. good luck hon!

May 13, 2007