I’m not a fanatic…

I got my hair cut today, well, I guess trimmed is more fitting, since it’s not like much can be done to my hair.  Except she did put some layers in it, and I’m not sure that I like that.  I think my hair is too fine for layers, and it feels like I hardly have any hair at all now, though it still looks pretty much the same.  I don’t know.  I’ll have to wait until tomorrow when I wash it and style it myself.  She did say if I wasn’t happy with it I could come back and they’d fix it at no charge.  I kept looking at it, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was that I didn’t like about it.  Sometimes I really hate getting my hair cut.  It seems like they only get it right every other time, and of course I have to wait about 6 weeks in between!  Ok, I’ll stop bitching about my hair now.  Good thing I don’t have a boyfriend, I’d be driving him nuts with this!  ~L~

Mom came to the salon with me, she had a deep conditioning treatment done.  We also both got our underarms waxed, which sounds more painful than it is!  After we were done at the salon, we did a little shopping.  I got a couple more of the envolopes I want for my wedding invitations. ~L~ (At .75 cents each, it’s better to spread the cost out!)  Why do they cost so much? Becuase they’re so darn pretty!  You can see a color sample here: http://www.marsupialpapers.com/swatches.htm  Scroll down to the shimmer finishes, it’s the mahogany that I covet!  Tonight I discovered the best thing, I bought a piece of paper the same color to see how it takes to printer ink, and it’s still a little wet after it prints, so if I sprinkle some clear embossing powder on the words and emboss them, they look fantastic! (I guess I’ll have to take some pictures later!) Now I’ve just got to take it to the post office and make sure they’re ok with it, like if they deem it readable and what not.  I’m pretty sure it’ll be ok.  I’m such a wedding planning dork… ~L~

Tonight, we watched "The Secret" again, and we both took notes.  Mom actually typed hers on the computer, so if anyone is interested, I could post them.  Even after taking all these notes, I’m still sure we’re going to end up buying the dvd!  I saw the book the other day at Target, but I don’t really want to take the time to read the whole thing when I’m sure it’s more of what’s on the dvd.  Now I’m going to be putting up encouraging things all over the place to keep reminging me of all these things.  Don’t worry, I’m not going to get all preachy about it, mostly because I’m not a preachy kind of person, and I hate preachy people, and I wouldn’t want to have to strangle myself!  ~L~  I know that a lot of people digging the whole concept of the secret are loving how it can be tied into god.  (And it’s nothing new to work god in over anything pagan; side note, the word pagan has gotten such a bad rap, kind of like how "gay" used to mean happy…)  That’s all fine and dandy, whatever makes them feel better about performing witchcraft…  ~L~  Really, the whole concept is about working a spell without the circle and the candles and whatnot. 

Anyway, that’s about all I did today.  Again, no workout, but we did walk around a lot, and I was wearing my boots with the skinny 3 inch heel, so that counts for extra, right? ~L~ Oh well, tomorrow we’re going to the gym!  I whined to mom about how I just can’t handle kickboxing first thing in the morning, I don’t have the energy or the sleep required to do kickboxing!  Besides that, it’s my weekend, I don’t want to have to get up at any determined time!  It’s only fair!

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March 3, 2007

ryn: I did see that before, but my monitor at work was so dark I didn’t realise you had customised them! I thought, “Hey! Someone named Raymund and Linda Smith have a kid named Karen and…wait…waitaminute…” hee hee! They do look lovely. Thank you so much! We don’t really have to make a decision on this for another, well, year almost, and we haven’t even looked at any of the vendors in town because we’re not living there at the moment. Thanks so much though, so thoughtful!

March 3, 2007

OMG that sounds painful (the underarm waxing). how much did that set you back?

March 3, 2007

i’ve never seen the secret. i should check it out sometime. i was thinking about getting my hair cut too but each time i go, i’m upset that i got it done, so i think i’ll wait awhile. much love hon.

Hey! I got my hair cut yesterday too! My stylist flat ironed my hair too death and texturized the back too much. I feel like I have next to no hair as well. Once I wash it and style it myself I’m sure it will look better as well. What is it – some kind of conspiracy by stylists to get us to use more shampoo? :p

March 3, 2007

My hair is ridiculously thick – let’s combine our hair types so we can both be normal. LOL

March 3, 2007

yea, skinny hills make you use your thigh muscles. So I’ve heard. I can’t wait to plan a wedding, not my own, but my niece maybe. I know nothing about hair and all, but i’m sure it’ll look great after you wash it and give it a few days. Everything looks better after a day or two.

RYN: No, he’s not officially my ex-husband yet. But I believe that once someone files for divorce papers (and rejects any attempts at reconciliation) they become your ex. The thought of referring to him as my “husband” is far too absurd/amusing/sad.