I joined a gym!

Ok, actually, mom and I joined together, but still!  We sighned today after I got done with my ice skating lesson (which went really well!  I didn’t go to kickboxing this morning, so I had more energy for skating!)  We went back tonight to talk to the personal trainer they have on staff, and that will give you advice for free – no extra personal trainer fee for workout advice!  He set us up with a basic plan, and we did one set through the whole thing to try it out.  He said if we weren’t sore tomorrow to do two sets the next day.  After we did our once through, we did 30 minutes on the elliptical machines. 

I really like this gym, the price is great, for both of us for a whole year it came to like 365 (after tax) fifty cents a day each isn’t bad at all!  And the personal trainer guy is really nice, and I actually learned something new!  (And I didn’t know that was possible when it came to workout related stuff!)  I never knew the whole, low weights, high reps thing was what I was supposed to be doing.  When I worked out at the gym in Pullman, I lifted as much as I could!  Of course the biggest problem there was that I killed myself and couldn’t lift weights for like a week!  So tonight I just did a low weight that didn’t burn until the last few.  Oh, and their weight lifting machines are just like the ones they had in the rec center at WSU, so I know how to work them!  

The other thing is, the trainer pointed out the fat burn option on the elliptical, and that was nice because it only lets you put in 30 minutes, and then I don’t try to do 45 or 60 minutes and burn myself out, I have a super bad habit of doing that when I start a workout routine like this!   So it was nice having him tell us to start out light at first, becuase I really need to be reminded of that! 

I was telling mom that at first I was thinking how the price we paid for the gym we could have bought our own elliptical, but the membership is a lot more likely to keep us on track!  Besides, it comes with all the weightlifting stuff too, and I’ve been harping on myself forever about how I need to get some streangth training in!  Now the only thing I need to make myself do at home is some stretching and/or yoga!

So wow, I’m really excited by this new gym and I feel super motivated! (If you coudln’t tell by all the exclaimation points!) ~L ~  It’s even better knowing that I’m committed to this for a year now, completely, since I’ve got a year contract at the kickboxing place, and I’ve paid for a year at this gym!  I think this is something we should have done a long time ago!  I’m just glad we’re doing it now.  I really feel that this gym will be the answer, the thing that finally gets me to the goal I’ve been struggling towards for years! 

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