Hopes & Dreams

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my life, probably because my birthday is coming up in a few months, and I’m like, wow, I’m going to be 29! So what am I doing with my life?  What do I want to do?  Why the hell haven’t I been doing anything?

Maybe what triggered it is that I haven’t been feeling too happy abut my job, which is strange, because I thought everything would be fine after Christmas, but I think it’s because one of the managers decided he should do the schedule, and he’s messing with my universe, so I’m ticked off.  That’s probably remidied easily enough, but it got me thinking about what I really would like to do job wise.  I keep talking about all my ceramic stuff, but I can’t get very far with that becuase I have no place to do it. (Which is my own fault because I could have taken any opportunity over the last oh, 3 years, to clean out the garage!)  But I’ve been focusing all my creative energy into scrapbooking, so I’ve been thinking about seeling ready for pictures scrapbooks, and cards and things like that, and that got me thinking, why couldn’t I just open a scrapbooking store? 

I know right now it’s kinda nuts to think about something like that, since I don’t have any money to put into it.  Though I know the owners of the previous scrapbooking stores that have been in the area, and the only reason their stores aren’t still around is becuase of personal/family issues that were more important than running a store.  So I could ask them for advice on things, and I guess I could start thinking up things and planning, even if I can’t do if right now.  It would at least make me feel like I was doing something with myself that was important. 

Maybe it’s a combination of the new year, me realizing I’m getting older and well, just wanting more out of life.  Ok, and all this down time I’ve had!   So thus begins the grand "Get my life in order" plan.  The main things I want to focus on are:

1. The future possibility of opening a scrapbooking store, or at least going forward with selling some of the work I do.

2. Weight Loss.  For some reason, I have a very strong feeling that my time to lose weight is now.  I feel motivated and ready and well, just tired of talking and thinking about it all the time!

3. Gerneral organization and cleaning of spaces.  I’m really getting dragged down by the negative energy of all the clutter in my life.  And I have a strong belief that I first need to get these things in order before I’ll be able to move forward in other areas of my life. (It’s this strange Fung Shui blocking of energy thing that’s going on!)

4. Love life.  Currently, I’ve taken my profile off every dating site, I’m not talking to any guys, I’m taking a breather.  And well, I’ve grown tired of trying to find someone else when there’s only one guy I can think about.  By the end of this year, I intend to have closure on that issue.  Of course my intent is that closure comes in the form of a new beginning… 

I need to take some definate action in deciding the course of my life.  And these few things will really make me feel like I’m getting some where, even if they aren’t that huge, I know that I’ll feel better about myself for going in the right direction. 

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