Hoorah for me!

I had a great day today!  I went to kickboxing this morning, and I didn’t even go back to sleep when I got home! (I usually try to get in another hour or so of sleep, since we get back from kickboxing at 7 and I don’t have to work until 10!)  At work they brought in cheesecake and those bazillion calorie costco muffins for the March birthdays.  So I had a piece of cheesecake, then took a muffin home and ate it durring lunch.  I was going to make some soup, but then I realized I was full from the muffin, then I thought, why the hell did I eat cheesecake AND that muffin?!?  Though rather than freaking out about it, I just decided that I’d eat the healthiest thing I could for dinner.  I also tried to make up for it at the gym tonight.  I did my weight lifting (14 machines, 2 sets of 15 reps) and then 30 minutes of the elliptical.  Then for dinner I had brown rice and chicken breast, so I managed to stay withing my calorie range, dispite the cheesecake and muffin! 

I feel really, really good about today.  Not only because of all the exercise, but because I didn’t let a couple of indulgences snowball into something really horrible!  I’m still working on having a healthy relationship with food. Diets always freak me out and usually lead to me eating worse than I would if I weren’t dieting, so I decided long ago that I would just try to eat like a "normal" person would.  So I don’t tell myself I can’t have anything, I just try to keep in mind that there has to be a healthy balance.  I think it’s finally starting to work!

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March 21, 2006

Aww kickboxing! I used to attend classes three times a week with a friend but my friend got annoying with only being there for the guys so I distanced myself and ended up quitting because she got worse, last I heard she got kicked out. lol You sound like a good dieter. *Smiles*

April 5, 2006

RYN: Yeah one day I think I’m gonna try the whole kickboxing thing again, just not at the moment. I can’t wait to try it out again. *Smiles* Thanks for the note.