
Today we didn’t get up until 8:30, I still didn’t sleep too well, but I don’t feel as completely wrecked as I did yesterday!  I spent quite a bit of time today looking through scrapbooking magazines and jotting down ideas for albums.  Grandpa took us out in the garden and cut some ruhbarb so we could make a cake. 

The most exciting part of my day today was grandpa bringing out some of his old photo albums.  He had pictures of him and his sisters on their farm, a survey camp that he was in durring college, then pictures of him in germany.  I’ve got a picture of my grandpa standing right were hitler used to stand durring all his speeches.  Then there were the pictures of mom growing up and a few of the places they lived.  It was really great seeing all of those.  I tried to take as many notes as I could when grandpa was telling us about the older pictures, I want to make sure that when I get my hands on them that I at least know a little about who the people are!

I really want to re-do all those albums, get them in nice, acid free albums and get down names and any dates or stories that I can find out about them!  I think I just caught a family tree scrapbooking bug! Yikes!

Other than that little bit of excitement, I was just counting down the hours until I got to talk to Luke.  I was also trying to think about what to wear on Wednesday, since I’m still not sure.  I’ve never been this indecisive about what to wear on a date!  Then I’m fighting off momentary lapses of panic where I worry that he’s not going to like the way I look.  (God, I’ve had way too many run-ins with jerky guys!!) But yeah, he’s seen my pictures, and I’m pretty sure that he kinda, maybe sorta likes me just as much as I like him!  Still, it’s kinda like I’m finding things to worry about so that I don’t get too excited about my date, just incase it doesn’t go well! Blah, I’m being such a girl! I feel like I’m all ready more into him than I should be given the brief amount of time that I’ve known him.  Though like mom says, it’s good to be excited about these things!  That’s the fun of the whole thing!!

I ended up talking to Luke for 3 hours tonight! I didn’t mean to talk to him for that long, espechially since we’ve got to get up early and drive home tomorrow!  And it’s so difficult talking on mom’s dinky little cell phone!  I don’t even remember everything that we talked about, but it’s great being able to talk to him for so long like that!

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