Getting things done!

I was on the phone late last night, big suprise!  I slept until I had to go to work, but I didn’t really sleep in, since I was on the phone so late!  Which also means I didn’t get anything done this morning either.  I hate when I don’t have to go to work until later in the day but I don’t get anything done that morning! 

At work things are still a bit of a shambles.  I had laid some things out last night to be done this morning, but not much of it was.  I know they get busy, but damn, I really ticks me off when the things I put out to be done aren’t!  Tonight I made sure that things were done and laid out and everything was as it should be so if there is any problem while I’m on my 4 day "vacation" it’s not because I left it that way!  You know, when I really think about it, I don’t know if I want to the actual manager anyway, but really, I’m doing what a manager would do.  I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just a flippin title.  I guess they think they’re going to motivate me by witholding it!  ~L~ Big mistake!  

Tonight while I was talking to Luke, I started working on a scrapbook for his sister for a graduation present.  He was really pleased/impressed/etc. that I was making his sister something for a graduation present.  I’m like come on, I can’t meet her for the first time after her graduation and not have a present for her!  I’m just doing a little 6 x 6 album, I’ve done one before when I was first starting to do my ready to go albums, so I just followed the same design.  As I was doing it I made a sketch of the pages and wrote down the measuements so that next time I wouldn’t have to measure everything!  Since she’s on my myspace friends list, I was able to look through the surveys she’d filled out and find out what her favorite colors were.  I think she’ll be pleased with my selections!  I stayed up until 4am finishing that album!  At least it’s done though!  And the next time I do one it’ll be quicker because I won’t have to measure everything out! 

I’m getting more comfortable with saying "I love you" even though it still doesn’t feel right to be saying it without my heart fully being into it.  At least it doesn’t feel like a complete lie any more. 

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