General Ickiness

I had my annual "womanly exam" today.  ugh, it always leaves me all creeped out and feeling violated!  At least they have the new plastic do-dah to so the pap with and it’s not that metal shoe horn any more!  The most horrible part of the whole thing though, getting weighed… their scale said 250.  That kinda makes me want to cry, and throw up, and break something, all at once.  ~sigh~  At least my scale at home (the last time I looked) only said 240.  (Though I think it’s always been that way, I’ll do an official weigh-in on Sunday.)  I’ve been slacking off way too much, and it’s obviously very unacceptable!  Oh, then the nurse had this blood pressure thing that they just strap onto your wrist, and it said my blood pressure was some really high number. (I can never remember the numbers, or what they mean, they just told me it was high!)  Then when I was talking to the doctor herself, I told her that reading was messed up, becuase my blood pressure wasn’t even that high when I was screaming in pain from my gal bladder!  So she had the nurse re-take it with a cuff, and it came out good like it normally does. 

Other than feeling creeped out and violated, and feeling disgusted with my fat self, everything is fine.  (Well, not like I have any official word from the doctor, I’m just saying everything else is fine with me!)  Oh, and I asked her to do a blood sugar test, since they’re always so concerned since my dad’s side of the family has a diabetes issue.  And I hadn’t eaten anything yet, they’ve tested before, but I’ve usually eaten something at that point!  She also decided she’d do aditional tests to make sure everything was back to normal, since the last blood test they did was the day I had my gall bladder out! 

After I was done there, I went shopping.  I bought strawberries, blueberries, grapes, plums, canteloupe, and a couple of bottles of wine.  (Um, yeah, it has occured to me that wine has calories too, and maybe I need to cut back a little…)  The important part though is that I bought lots of good fruits to go along with all the lettuce and other veggies we all ready have, and that’s definately a good starting point to getting back on track!   Then hey, maybe I’ll get that damn Gazelle out of my truck too…  (I bought it at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago for $30!  What a value!  I’ve been wanting one of those things for a while now, I always hear how great they are!)

I’ve been trying to clean up my room, it looks a little better all ready.  It’s mostly cutter surface stuff, and putting away my clothes.  I really feel so much better about everything when I have a clean space!  And then I’ll see if I can fit that Gazelle in here.  I’d put it in the livingroom, but it’s still crowded with stuff from the garage. (We still need to have our yard sale!!)  

I got to talk to Luke for a little while.  He’s all for me coming to visit tomorrow, even if he doesn’t have much time.  He worked last night from 6pm to 9am.  15 hour days… poor guy!  At least now they’re picking them up and dropping them off in Ephrata, so he doesn’t have to drive the extra half hour!  He doesn’t know when he’ll be getting off tomorrow, between 9 and 11, so at least I won’t have to get up as early.  He was saying I could just hang out at his house, but he had to check with his dad.  I said I’d rather go to the book store and wonder around town, and he can call me when he gets off.  I don’t want to impose on his dad! 

I just ran outside and fixed our irrigation system.  (That makes it sound so much fancier than it really is! )  Again, if my mom didn’t have my camera, I’d go take a picture!  I’ll take some when she gets home and post them, our garden is growing like crazy!  We’ve all ready got zucchinni coming out our ears, and soon we’ll have tons of tomatoes and then, butternut squash!  Ummm!  Anyway, I went out at just the right time, it wasn’t horribly hot, and I finished just as it was getting too dark!  Though I’m going to have to go check the ditches tomorrow to see if they’re doing their thing!  I hate when the water just gets blocked up and runs over the side of the row!

 All right, I know this is a pretty dull and somewhat depressing entry after being MIA for so long, but I’m working on catching up (again!) I really shouldn’t slack off like this!  Actually, so you don’t have to go back and read everything (when ever I get all those past entries up) here’s some good, important, happy news!

Luke is so wonderful. *gush* ~swoon~  Even in what limited time he has, he’s still writing me e-mails, leaving me phone messages, and posting poems to me on my MySpace. He’s also still saying that if I’m impressed with what he’s doing now, just wait until he’s got more time!  ~grin~  I’m a lucky girl! 

In 18 days we’ll be in Vegas!  Woo!  Never thought I’d be excited about Vegas, deserts, gambling, not my thing… but the company is what makes any destination fun!  I know Luke and I are going to have a ~fabulous~ time!  (Everything has been ~fabulous~ lately, since we’re going to FABULOUS LAS VEGAS!  ~L~)  Everyone at work keeps telling me I’m going to come back married!  I’ve told them that I’ve spent way too long planning my wedding, my family would be mad, and that I really don’t want to send out invatations that say "come celebrate our falling down drunk decision to get hitched!"   ~L~ But they presist… so now, when one of the cashiers asked why I was going to Vegas, I just said, to get hitched!  ~L~ Though I think everyone being so sure that it’s going to happen makes me all the more determined that it won’t!!  (Yes, I say this as I’m completely sober and not in my euphoric love bubble, but still!)  Huh, I guess if we’re so drunk that I don’t remember it, then it’ll be ok!  ~L~ As long as I don’t have to _TRY_ to lie to my mom and tell her we didn’t get married! 

Of course, it doesn’t help that I told my friends at work how I’d taken this fake ring to show Luke, (It’s some $9 deal that looks fairly real) since we’re crazy and we’ve talked about rings and what not, so I thought I’d at least give him an idea of what I like!  Anyway, he pranked his sister with it, she got all excited, then he told her it was a fake.  A few days later, I was on the phone with him saying we only had 23 days til Vegas, and his sister happened to be there, so he tells her, "23 days!"  I hear her in the back ground, "until what?" He says, "what do you think?" and she replies, "Are you guys really engaged??"  ~L~  So I guess when my friends hear that he’s even joking about it (which we’ve kinda been doing practically since we first started talking, a whopping 2 months ago! ~s~) that it’s that much more likely that we’re going to get married in Vegas!  ~L~  At least it’s nice to know his sister was excited about it! 

Anyway, I must go to bed, I’m going to see my sweetie tomorrow!!

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July 14, 2007

Aw sweetie, don’t let the weigh-in at the dr’s get you down… remember you were wearing clothes so that adds to it too, plus I bet you had eaten (or at least drank) beforehand. It’s all just a numbers game… it’s your changes and shrinking size that really matter!! You’re going to have so much fun in Vegas! There are tons of things to do that don’t involve gambling or getting married – lol! RYN: It went well, now I just wait. 🙂

July 14, 2007

good for you hon! things seem to be going really well with luke which is awesome! i’m relieved to find that there are still decent men in the world who love to write emails, and love type letters. it’s sweet. you’ll have a blast in vegas!! much love and it’s good to hear from you again!

Haha. I bet you’ll come back married lol. Don’t worry about your weight at a time like this anyway. As long as you are happy and eating healthy and working out that is all that matters (I don’t know if you are doing this stuff though). It’ll come off eventually.

Still with your Mr. Luke – how wonderful for you! I don’t even want to think of the number of dates I’ve been on recently. So sad… 🙁

July 15, 2007

YAY!! I’m glad you finally found a man who was worth your time, and realized it!! 🙂