Feeling Better and some tree pics

Well, I’m still not entirely ok.  My abdomen muscles are still pretty ticked off.  Though I feel better today than I did yesterday.  I actually went to the gym tonight.  I mean there was no way I could go to kickboxing like this.  Ouch.  As it was, I could only do about 1.7 mph on the treadmill. (I can usually get around 3.5 or so, AND do an incline!!)  But I just took it slow and easy.  I’m proud of myself for doing that much anyway!  I’ll tell you though, these past days with all these aches and pains definately makes me want to get in better shape.  I mean I don’t want to be feeling like this every day when I’m old and grey!  That would suck! 

Anyway, tonight I went and bought some lean cusine meals.  They’re actually not all that bad, and let’s hear it for controled portions and only spending about $2 on lunch!  Hoorah! I figure all I have to do is throw in some kind of fruit and I’ve got it made.  And I figure my stomach has been getting used to all these small portions since I haven’t felt like eating much for the last, oh, four days now, so might as well stick with it! 

Now, for your enjoyment, pictures of the whole wind/tree fiasco!

The tree altered view out my bedroom window

The outside corner of my bedroom (that little bit of damage there is all there was, insane huh?)

The window you can see here is the livingroom, my window is to the right under all the trees! (and there’s the oh-so-convienient former logger that happens to live next door getting rid of the nasty-wasty tree!)

And hey!  There’s my bedroom window!

An amusing story about all this:  So this morning I’m all, hey!  There’s sun shine coming through my window! And I go over and pull back the curtain and look out at all the neatly stacked piles of firewood, and I’m being all impressed when I notice one of the guys is all ready out there working! Yipe! (Did I mention that I sleep in the nude?) Yeah, so I’m standing in front of that big ol window holding the curtain wide open… and being very thankful that his back happened to be turned!  (Or at least it was when I looked at him, he very well could have been looking right at me for the whole like minute or whatever it was before I realized he was there!)  What can I say?  I’m just not used to having boys wondering around in my back yard!  (Though I am seriously considering getting a couple and locking them up back there… ~L~)

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January 10, 2007

I love it when trees fall! I lvoe to climb em. lmao

March 5, 2007

Oh, WOW that’s awful but I’m really thankful your house seems to be okay!!!