Easy Money

Forevermore I want to be paid to scrapbook, and teach scrapbooking.  That would be awesome.  (It would also be awesome to get paid to do my ceramics, the thing I actually went to college for… but anything creative will do!)

Today, I went to work for 5 hours to teach a scrapbooking class on how to do that page.  (Rather than posting it again, you can just go back two entries and check it out!)  I had five people total take the class, which isn’t too bad considering the festivities going on in town this weekend!  Ok, four people if you don’t count my mom!  But she should count, since I had to teach her along with everyone else!  I had two different "sessions" (three actually, but no one was there for the first hour) The first two people were a lady who liked the look of the page, but did cards, so I tried to show her an altered version of things, and a girl who’s mom signed her up.  I’m good with kids, which is a little funny, since sometimes I feel like I have no patience for grown-ups!  It went well though.  The next group was my mom and the two ladies that actually signed up for the class in advance.  I think it actually took longer with them doing everything properly than it did with the young girl and the lady who was trying to make cards instead of a page! 

One of the ladies had done my make and take thing a couple of weeks ago, and at one point, she was telling my mom how sweet and patient I was with her daughter.  ~grins~  (See, I’m not a bitch!  ~L~)  I thought she looked familiar, but I see so many people in a day that it’s hard to remember.  She kept calling me by my name though, which in that situation was nice.  When I’m helping people frame things and I’ve never met them before and they start calling me by name, it’s a little weird!  (Or maybe I’m just weird!  Like yeah, they make me wear a name tag, but that doesn’t mean you can use my name!  ~L~ Which reminds me how my friend Jennifer would wear this name tag that said "phyllis" when ever she forgot her name tag… ~L~ That was great!)  Anyway, I worked five hours, and for the first 2 hours, I basically sat around, and it’s always good to get paid for that!!

After I clocked out, mom and I did some shopping.  I mostly found clearance stuff, and well, there was a lot of stuff I bought, since I spent $70 (after my employee discount!) but I can’t remember everything I bought!  (That’s sad!)  I got an album for like $2.50, and some flowers, and some paper, and whatever else… ~L~

Oh, when I first got there, Cate tells me they hired the new manager, and she’ll be starting on Tuesday.  First, I’m ticked because, wow, way to include me in the interviews like you said you would!!  And also, THIS PERSON IS NOT THE MANAGER!  Grrrrrr!!!  A little while later, I walk by again, and ask if they actually used that word.  Bill made some kind of joke about it, which I know was his way of saying, "hey, remember what we talked about? Who the hell cares??"  I’m kinda sick of it all.  OK, really sick of it.  It’s to the point that I don’t really like going to work at all any more.  Damn it.

When mom and I left the store, she had to go pick something up at the hardware store, and I decided to go get something for dinner, since we hadn’t really eaten since breakfast.  I got some stir fry stuff and egg rolls, then made rice to go along with it.  Yummy!  After we ate, we did some yard work, we’re trying to get the holes dug for the fence posts.  We’re putting in a cyclone fence along the one side our yard doesn’t have it on, the side of the neighbors who are stupid and want to pet my over-protective dog. 

After that we hung out in the craft room.  We didn’t do a whole lot though.  Mostly put away the stuff we bought today and marveled at all the junk we have… ~L~ It’s all so pretty though!  I just want to scrapbook forever!

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May 7, 2007

I could just scrapbook forever, i am fairly new to scrapbooking too. if you check out the front page of my diary….one of the more recent entries is my scrapbookin pages 🙂 enjoy x

I agree. I hate when people call me buy my name just because I’m wearing a name tag. A lot of people will call me Janie too not Jaime. It’s annoying.