Dr. Visit & Corprate Greed

The doctor visit today was fine, took all of six minutes once I got out of the waiting room.  The nurse took me in, took my blood pressure, asked me some questions, then the doctor came in. Both he and the nurse were suprised that I was all ready back to work, and that I went to the gym yesterday. Then he just looked at all the holes they put in me and said everything looked fine, and that was it. I didn’t have time to ask him when it would be all right for me to go back to kickboxing, he probably would have said, "when ever you feel up to it" so I’ll just go by my rule, when I can make it through a couple of days without needing any tylenol, I’ll go. Well, and I’ll make sure I can do a full effort workout on the treadmill, if I’m ok after that, it’s back to kickboxing!

My day was all right. They’re cutting back everyone’s hours at work, wich sucks, we’re making more money at our new location, but corprate greed is taking over and we’re all getting screwed. As annoyed as I am by that, I still like my job enough, and at least I’m getting paid decently now. Though I really want to tell them if that’s all the hours I’m getting now, maybe that should be all the hours I’m avaliable durring Christmas… I mean I busted my ass getting things done for Chirstmas, I worked 9 hours of over time, did 11 hour days and didn’t even get a lunch break a couple of times, and now they want to screw me over? I know I could get a better paying job, but I think I’d end up miserable with it. ~sigh~ Such is life. I’ll just take some satisfaction in knowing that some day, when I am able to quit that job, they aren’t getting any notice, and they are going to be so screwed. No one else back there really cares, and actually, I know at least one other person would quit if I wasn’t there to run the show, maybe two… And if they tried calling back the guy they laid off after Christmas? He said before when I was talking about getting another job that he’d quit if I did. You know, most of all, it just kills me becuase I used to LOVE my job, even when I was still getting minimum wage, I loved my job.  And now I like it just enough to not feel too tempted to leave.  I really hate that.

And now, some survey question type thing that I came across…

What is your full name? Lisa Marie (I can’t tell you my FULL name, I don’t want you crazies stalking me! – and NO, my parents weren’t Elvis fans!)

Where do you live? Washington

Where were you born? Washington (In a hospital that’s now a hotel, how creepy is that?)

How are old are you? 28

What is your favorite color? Pink, or blue, or green… sometimes burgandy, and I do really like brown… I’m an equal opportunity color lover!

What is your favorite sports team? Only thing I really watch is Cougar Football.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Scrapbooking, kickboxing, other crafty things,  cooking, baking.

What would you do with 1 million dollars? Open my own scrapbooking store, pay off my truck & my mom’s house, buy cute hats and bags and shoes… ~L~

Are you rich? Not so much.

Are you wealthy? In things besides money.

What are your goals in life? Open a scrapbooking store or sell my ceramics, just do SOMETHING that I enjoy and at wich I can express my creativity. Get married, have a few kids, go to Italy, drink wine. ~L~

Are you married? Nope

Do you have any kids? Nope

Do you plan to have a career? Not in the traditional sense of the word.

Are you involved with someone? Nope

Do you love them? If I were involved with someone, yes, I would.  I don’t do meaningless "just for fun" relationships. 

Are you engaged? Nope

Do you go to church? No

Do you feel lucky? Compared to most people, I’d say I’m pretty damn lucky.

Do you believe in God? Not so much, but kinda.

Do you like your life? It’s not perfect, but I actually love my life, I’d say it’s going pretty well.

Have you ever tried to kill yourself? No way!

Do you feel depressed sometimes or a lot? I have down times, but if anything, I’m too perky! (And no, I’m not on anything!)

Do you feel anger towards someone? How about an entity – corprate greed!

Do you feel you need help with that, if so? Yeah, I need some help, maybe an apocolypse… I think that’s the only thing that could put an end to it…

Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Very good with my mom, I try with my dad.

Do you like to eat? Food is good… mmmmm… yes.

What is your favorite food? I don’t really have a favorite.

What is your favorite television show? I don’t have cable, but I recently got the Gilmore Girls on DVD, so I’ll say that.

Do you get aggravated easily? Mostly no, but sometimes my Irish blood kicks in.  

Do you love yourself? YES!

Do you consider yourself a smart person? Yeah.

Do you think you will live to be 40? Only 40? Seriously? I’m planning on 120! (And even then I’ll probably only look like I’m 90… let’s hear it for good genes!)

Who is the closest person to you? My mom.

Are you barely making it? I’m good. Of course I don’t have any debt (aside from truck payments) and I don’t really have to pay rent since I still live with my mom, so I’d probably be screwed if it weren’t for that!

Do you have a nice home? Yes.

Are you happy with your home? It’s not really MINE, but I’m happy with it. 

Do you feel like you need to do something more in life? A little more, yeah, that would be nice.

Are you an outgoing person? I hug practically anyone that gets too close, does that mean I’m outgoing? ~L~

Are you an accepting person? Defiantely.

Do you judge others? I try not to.

Are you beautiful or handsome? I’m a Goddess!

Do you have low or high self-esteem? Pretty high (see previous question!)

Do you feel as if you are “Somebody”? Yup

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January 23, 2007

haha yeah, corporate greed sucks >o< xoxo, a random corporate sell-out

January 24, 2007

i’m happy the doctor’s visit went well. and yeah, don’t you just love it when they are so descriptive? “whenever you feel up to it.” i love your answer for wealth. it made me pause and think about myself for a minute. i complain far too often. much love hon.