Domestic Bliss

So this weekend, we had some sun shine! Well, we’ve had a few sunny days, but this weekend it was like 70 or something (or at least that’s what I kept hearing it was going to be this weekend!)  My dad was over fixing my truck, and my soon to be step mom and I were hanging out on the lawn supervising!  In the maybe hour or so that I sat there, I got a nice little sun burn!  ~L~  I should know better, my arms haven’t seen day light for months, oh, and my english/irish heratige, sun is the devil!!  ~L~  It’s not too bad, but I’ll definately have to be a little more careful!

I think a few entries back, I mentioned how my truck was making this gawd-awful noise, well, that it’s been making since we bought it, but anyway, the guys at Les Shwab were all worried about it and told me (and my dad via fax) that it would cost around $800 to fix.  To which my dad said I don’t think so… so he came over to pull it out himself, and lo and behold, there’s nothing wrong with it!  So my dad looked at a couple other things, and added some oil to some part under there, and did whatever, and hey, it’s not nearly as noisy, actually, it’s down right quiet compared to what it was before!  Dad said that there are some other things he can do, but I’ll have to bring it to Ione, where he has his shop and all his tools and everything! 

Dad also brought Luke and I a nice little washer and dryer!  We’re even more domesticated now than ever before!! ~L~   Dad and Shawna had bought them for like $50, then decided that they were too small for what they wanted, so they brought them over for us!  I told Luke that every time we do a load, we should throw the $3.50 we were spending at the laundry mat into a jar!  We’ll be rich in no time!! 

While dad was there, we also showed him this house we’re kinda looking at.  We went over and tried to peek into the windows and just get a better look at the place:

Not too bad from the front, though there’s some fire damage in the back, and since there were 3 meters on the back, we’re pretty sure that it’s been split into 3 units.  We’d definately need a lot of help from my dad to fix it up, and a really big dumpster!!  A sort of added bonus though, there’s actually a little duplex in the back of the lot, so chances are, it’s newer and more liveable, so we could stay there while we were fixing up the house.  And if we wanted to, we might even be able to rent them out later.  First thing though, we have to actually get a hold of the owner!  The number is disconnected.  I got an address from the county auditor though, so we’ll have to write to him.

Of course, I’m all over-eagar and wanting to just jump right in… even though I’m pretty much broke right now, and I don’t really have a steady job…   yeah, I have more days off from work.  I worked 4 days last week, then tonight my "boss" called me to let me know I could come tomorrow, but she’d only need me for about 2 hours.  Considering that’s how long I have to work to pay for my gas there and back, I called her back and let her know I wouldn’t be there!  She didn’t even say when she was going to need me again… blah…

Oh well, I’ve put in a lot of applications, hopefully I’ll be able to line up some interviews durring this off time!  I was telling Luke that we need to have a baby, at least then I’d have something to do on all these days off!!  ~L~  I don’t think he went for it though!  It’ll probably still be another 2 1/2 years or so before that happens!  

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April 14, 2008

i thought your boss was going to pay for gas? that’s kind of a bummer that you have to travels a ways for work. yeah, it looks like that house could use some work. are you interested in fixing it up and then reselling, or in moving in yourself? it’s nice to hear from you again! much love.