credit cards and food

I know it sounds odd, but there’s a definate connection between the two, at least in the way I deal with them both.  You see, I always think I’m being good about my spending, that I haven’t used my credit card that much, then I get the bill and I’m just shocked about how quickly all those things added up!  I’m seeing now that I have the same problem with food.  I started keeping track of what I eat at today, and I’m thinking I did really well, until I enter in everything and realize that I’m actually eating a lot more than I think I am.  I didn’t totally bomb, but I could have done better. 

The good thing is though, I didn’t have any moments of panic and wanting to binge today when I was thinking about this "diet" and keeping track of the things I ate.  I think the site I’m using is also really great, I like the menu planning part of it, even if I don’t really follow it, it does give me an idea of what I should be eating, and it’s great that they have a realistic calorie intake too!  I even got on my mom’s recumbant bike today and did a whole hour!  (ok, I got up and walked around like 3 times to keep my ass from going numb!!)  The point is, I usually don’t do anything on Sundays, and today I did!  And I have the next two Sundays off, so I’ll be able to go to kickboxing those days too! 


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