
I forgot to mention that I went to a chiropractor the other day.  Last weekend my mom went to this women’s show and got a special new patient price of $20 for the first consultaion/x-rays. (It usually costs $150)  The lady we saw makes adjustments to the places that are out of alignment, rather than just cracking your whole back.  Anyway, I went back again to see her for the follow up, where she discusses what she found in your x-rays and suggests a treatment plan.  Then it’s $30 for each adjustment, though at first, in order to get everything right, you may have to come in 2-3 times a week.  I’m going to have to discuss some kind of payment plan or something with her, since I don’t think I can swing that much in a week.  I had her go ahead and do the first alignment, then I’m going back again tomorrow so she can see how I reacted to what she did.  Anyway, she said this could help my asthma, and I’ve been having this problem with my arm going numb while I sleep, and that’s been going on for a long time now, so properly aligning the vertabre that’s been crushing the nerve that’s making my arm go numb should really help!

Oh, and my hips are way crooked.  Like they show this line across the x-ray and one of my hips is all up here *— and the other one is way down there —.  I always thought one of my legs seemed longer than the other!  At least now I know I wasn’t imagining it!!  So yeah, she cracked my back in 3 places, one that connects to the arms, one for my messed up hips, and one in the mid back that connects to the gall bladder area.  Even though my gall bladder is gone, it doesn’t mean my vertabre stopped crushing the nerve that goes there.  That same area also controls digestion and things like that, so I’m thinking once that’s straightened out, it should help me lose some weight.  Or at least that’s my belief, and as long as I believe it, it’ll happen. ~s~

I think this will be really good for me over all, and even more so because it really sucks having my arm do that to me.  And I mean it doesn’t just fall asleep and get pins and needles, it goes past that to the point where it hurts because there isn’t enough blood in my arm.  At least it was doing that durring December, I did finally see my other doctor who gave me this arm splint thing that keeps my wrist opened (my fingers go numb too) along with a prescription for 300mg ibuprofen, that I’m supposed to be taking 3 times a day… yeah, 900mg of ibuprofen a day… I did that for about 3 or 4 days, then decided I didn’t want to be putting that much crap in my body, even if it did make the problem go away.  So I usually take just one a day, and sometimes I don’t even put on the stupid brace thing, so my arm will still go numb sometimes, but not as bad as it did before.  I was waking up all the time because my arm hurt so much.  At first, I was able to just lay it by my side and that would make it better, but when it was at its worst, the only thing that made it better was sitting up and holding my arm down by my side.  Anyway, obviously once the nerve that controls that isn’t getting crunched by a crooked vertabre, everything should be peachy!

In other news, I got this vasaline intensive care nightly renewal hand lotion that’s working wonders on my hands.  (I work with paper all day, and they get so, so dry!)  But now they’re looking like nice hands! Yeah! I’m going to have to go buy some more of it, I got it at this outlet type place, so it was only $1.99 and it smells really good too.  I’m so picky about how my lotions and things smell!

And in better news, I’m going to tell Kyle no.  It really isn’t worth it, and it violates promises I made to myself after getting out of THE*WORST*RELATIONSHIP*EVER, durring which I was stupidly dating a married man. (I was 18/19, he was 20/21.) I was manipulated, and so twisted and turned and backwards, and I did whatever he wanted.  He was married and had a kid, I was sneaking around with him, and I was so miserable and trying to convince myself I was happy and wanted nothing but him… After I got out of that, I swore that I would never again date anyone who was attatched in anyway.  I don’t want another wife or girlfriend yelling at me about how I ruined their relationship!  Hell, I’ll barely even innocently chat with a guy if he’s attatched! (Bill at work is the acception, but anymore, I think of him more like a brother.)  I swore I’d never sneak around again, to hell with worrying about getting caught, and never being able to just go somewhere to hang out and have fun.  Also, as I am a vicious girl, I swore I’d never again have sex with someone that I can’t scratch and bite, I shouldn’t have to contain myself and worry about leaving marks!  If I’m having sex with someone, by god, he’s going to be marked by me in some way!!  (That one works with every guy, if he says ouch, he’s not for me! ~L~)  So yeah, to hell with Kyle!  (Besides, it may just be me, but I have this funny feeling that he may have only went for me because he was thinking a fat girl would be an easy lay!)

I’m actually considering joing e-harmony, or well, I was, but now I may have to save my money to pay for crack! (Back cracking that is… ~L~ ok, I had some pineapple wine with the ham I had for dinner, and I’m being goofy!)  I’m still thinking about joining though.  In the mean time, I’m going to find some guy on line who I can talk to and who will distract me and keep me from changing my mind!  Actually, I’m pretty set on this, if I do try to reconsider, I’ll just remind myself of THE*WORST*RELATIONSHIP*EVER and how horrible it made me feel.

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That sounds terrible about your arm. Yeesh! Hope it can get fixed up. (Clever title! It reeled me in.) And this pineapple wine of which you speak, is that readily available in most liquor stores or is it a home made concoction? (Yum, pineapple!)

April 12, 2007

I have the same problem with my arm– it sucks! Maybe I’ll go see a chiropractor for it 🙂 I’m going to have to read back in your diary to catch up on the drama with the men, lol

April 12, 2007

Ryn: Don’t give up. 🙂 Keep at it. And if you can’t do a walk, do something else (cleaning, heavy lifting, snow shovelling, etc?)

You made a good decision about Kyle. Haha on the scratching. My husband would be the one to like OUCH. He’s such a baby like that but I love him.