Cookie Monster

I just baked NINE dozen oatmeal rasin cookies… no wonder I’m fat… ~L~ Actually, they’re for my grandpa and uncle, mom is going to go visit them this weekend (she’s leaving on Thursday) so I baked tonight.  A couple of years ago, I decided to bake them some cookies for the fun of it, because I like to bake, and I don’t get to see them very often, so I decided it would be a nice thing to do.  Well, now it’s turned into a nice thing that they expect every time! ~L~ I’m not complaining, really, well, I guess I kinda am… but anyway! I’ll probably keep some for me, and I might take some to work for Bill and Cate. (Because they’re my favorites, and they didn’t get any of the valentine cookies I made!)

Well, you guys know I went to bed at 11 last night, (which I’m going to try to do again tonight if I can hurry up and write this!) but then I tossed and turned for a while, because you tend to do that when you’re used to staying up until 1 or 2, even if you are dreadfully tired at the time… Then this morning I kept hitting the snooze button!  My intention was to get up about 2 1/2 hours before I had to go to work, but I ended up getting up only an hour before. I hate that, it takes me like 15 minutes just to wake up and be functioning!  Maybe tonight I’ll sleep better, and I’ll set my alarm for about an hour and a half before I have to go to work.

Work today was fine, no old men made me want to cry… ~L~ There was something note worthy that I was going to write about, but I completely spaced… oh wait! I just remembered!  This morning, this lady brought in a cross-stitch to be framed, and the thing was just covered in cat hair!  It actually made my allergies act up!  And you know, all the people I work with have cats, but I never get any allergic reaction from being around them!  After I finished it, I had to scrub my hands, then I went out to my truck to get some sudefed! I was getting a headache even, but it went away quickly enough.

After work, mom and I went for a walk.  All most right away I got a little bit of a side stitch, what even causes those anyway?  I hadn’t even really done anything yet, so that was strange.  I just focused more on holding my abs in, since doing that seems to help with side stitches too.  I have a weird obsession with holding in my abs when I walk.  I started doing that when I was 17 and I’d go for walks around town with my mom.  See, back then I wore all these really bagy clothes, big t-shirts, flannels, sweatters… but it was too warm to wear all that when we walked, so the shirts I walked in were tighter and made me really self-concious of my stomach! (Which you know, was so very well hidden and completely un-noticable under the baggy clothes… I’m sure no one really thought I was fat, it was just the clothes!! ~L~)  Anyway, at the time, it seemed like holding in my stomach made a difference, though now that I think about it, it was probably just that I was losing weight from walking, not just holding in my stomach. 

Let’s see, other than that, I want some new underware.  Yup.  Not that I don’t have plenty of underware, but the cute stuff that I like to wear the best is getting worn out.  Oh, I know, I’ll make that a goal reward!  Lose weight, get new underware!  Wooo! ~L~  I guess that’s actually practical, but I just find it really funny for some reason. 

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March 14, 2007

I think keeping your abs tight gives you better posture as you walk or something?

March 14, 2007

Are you goddess ewuphoria because you do a lot of drugs?

March 14, 2007

in my gym class in high school they always said if you got a stitch in your side to put your arms up over your head until you feel better. it worked for me. i do it sometimes on the tredmill at the gym…people probalby think im crazy

March 14, 2007

I try keeping my abs tight when I work out but I find that it takes too much concentration…lol. I’m hella uncoordinated.~jo

Cute underwear can actually make you feel really good! I loved buying matching bras and panties when I lost weight.

March 14, 2007

weird-i baked oatmeal raisin cookies today too! and i ate far too many of them. it’s wonderful that you go on walks everyday. they are so good and the weather has been great lately. sorry about the allergic reaction. that must be real annoying. luckily i don’t have any reactions, none that i’m aware of anyway. much love hon.

March 14, 2007

I want to get some new underwear–but I don’t think I can wear all the cute stuff until after my tummy tuck 🙁 For now, it’s the granny panties!

RYN: Are you kidding me? Oh what I wouldn’t give to have your strength. I love chocolate. This supersized site was too much to even dream of. *sigh* I don’t just love sweets though, I love salty stuff too. In fact my fantasy (don’t gag) is a chocolate dipped pringle type chip. Yep, it’s true!

March 14, 2007