Check That Attitude

After watching The Secret last night, I was very aware of myself today.  I noticed every negative thought, and did my best to balance it out in a positive way.  I also spent a lot of time thinking about how greatful I am to be healthy and happy.  I really believe this will make a great difference in my life.  Cate let me keep her DVD for the rest of the week, so I’ll get to watch it a couple more times and take lots of notes!

Work wise, I spent most of today trying to get those shadow boxes put together, though I have to stop every time a customer comes along.  I should have focused on the smaller one, I might have at least been able to get it done today!  I’ll be able to get them done tomorrow though, and I’ll take pictures then.  I took a couple today, but they were more detailed structural things that I was proud of myself for figuring out.  (Like a close-up of how the ball is sewn down!)  I want to do more shadow boxes, they’re really fun!  Oh, some time soon I’ll put up pictures of some of the other ones I’ve done too!  Every time I do a shadow box, I want to do one for myself.  I keep thinking about my brownie & girl scout patches, though I wasn’t that into all of it, and I can’t really remember a lot of the activities, or how I got my patches, or anything like that… ~L~ So I’d just end up with this big thing that wouldn’t mean that much to me, and it would take up valuable wall space that could be used for something better!  I think I’ll just stick the patches in some sort of album and leave it at that!  I actually do have some skeleton keys that I want to put in a shadow box, I’ve got everything ready to do it, I just need to take the time to sit down and attatch them all!

After work, mom and I went shopping, I got some more scrapbook paper, because I really, really needed more… (you know, to match the other billion pieces I all ready have!) Then we went to costco and stocked up on lettuce and mushrooms and avocados and all that good stuff!  Oh, and I got season 10 of friends, my collection is now complete!  I watched a whole disk tonight, I’ve only seen a little of season 10, so I’m egar to watch them!  We were going to go to the gym, but mom wasn’t feeling well, so I was just going to work out by myself, then I didn’t.  Tuesday is becoming my unofficial day of rest.  Oh, which reminds me, I didn’t post my weekly workout report on Sunday like I should have, so here it is:

Sunday 18: Treadmill 45 min & Pilates

Monday 19: 30 min Elliptical & 10 min Walk

Tuesday 20: none

Wednesday 21: Kickboxing 1hr

Thursday 22: 45 min Elliptical

Friday 23: cleaning counts for something, right?

Saturday 24: 45 min walk away the pounds tape

Oh, and my weigh-in was 234 1/2, down one pound from last week, but up from the 233 it was the week before that.  Blah, time to break my little cycle.  I don’t crazy yo-yo, but I seem to struggle over 3 – 5 pounds for a while, then I’ll drop into the next range and struggle with that 3 – 5 pounds… It’s just silly, and it needs to stop.  At least I am working out more since I started the schedule.  I’m going to keep working on it too!

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February 28, 2007

Good for you! Everything seems to be working out nicely for you in the exercise department! You do something nearly everyday, which is really good.

February 28, 2007

they were talking about the secret on this morning show i was listening to on my way to work. apparently the host of the show and his wife are having “issues”. i never heard of it before today.

February 28, 2007

Hey there, sounds like you’re doing great though, congrats! Ryns: You’re hilarious! And ew! No threesome with the stuffed fish! Sheesh! Clay and I won’t be leaving the bunny hill for some time, not until we get waaaay better and I get waaay braver! The private cabin was much nicer, however it was $194 a night so one night was about as much as we could do there. Ah well!~jo

February 28, 2007

cleaning totally counts!

February 28, 2007

Congrats on the loss! You’ll kick that 1.5lb’s butt and will be back into uncharted territory in no time!

You did 5 official work outs in one week. That’s more than some people do in a year! You’re doing awesome!

February 28, 2007

My husband is obsessed with Friends–he has the whole series too, and every Friends board game, book, etc–he’s a total dork. Great job on all the exercise!

March 3, 2007

sounds like a decent day. great job working out too.