Can’t go to the gym yet

Mom made me promise I’d at least wait until I get the doctor’s ok on Tuesday.  I’m sure mr. "oh you can go back to work when ever you feel like it" will say it’s ok.  Mom is still amazed by how quickly I’m bouncing back from this.  I’m just refusing to be held back, I’m stubborn like that. 

So today we went downtown to one of our favorite stores and bought some fun things for making valentines and some other things we never would have known that we couldn’t live without if we never would have seen them…  We stopped at this other place that has antiques and other things that we had to have.  I bought mom some valentine’s day presents, if I find anything else for her I’m going to have to save it for her birthday, or maybe Christmas… it’s never too soon to start shopping for Christmas!!  After that we got lunch at one of my favorite cafe’s.  They have the best panini’s!  I used my starbuck’s visa to pay for it, and the girl is all, wait, I don’t know if I can take this… ~L~ And mom says, yeah, go buy your panini from starbucks! (She’s so helpful!)

We got home just in time to meet the insurance adjustor guy.  He came out to look at the tree damage so we can get some money to take care of everything.  We found out they’re actually going to pay us like 75% of the cost to get the roof fixed!  We totally thought they’d just be like, ah, here’s $20 to replace the few shingles that blew off.  But no, since there was enough damage to the back half they’ll pay for all of that, then just a few blew off the front, so they’ll only pay half that, but still, the front of the roof really needs to be fixed!  And it’s pretty cool though, since we came really close to getting it re-done last year, but it just never happened, so it totally works out because now the insurance is going to pay for so much of it!  Yeah!  So I guess the evil trees were really a blessing in disguise! 

Then mom talked on the phone with some boy for a while.  He sounds pretty nice, but they all do until they meet her and decide they’re not attracted to her or whatever.  I’ve had the same thing happen to me, which is why I started being really honest in all my dating profiles and posting enough pictures so the guy really knew what he was getting! But I know from experiance how frustrating it is to spend all this time talking to a guy who tells you how much he likes you and how nice and sweet and cool you are and says things like where have you been all my life?  Then you meet him and he never talks to you again.  Men are so fickle.  I mean really, you think about it, women are so much more likely to compromise when it comes to men.  If a woman meets a guy who has the right personality, and he’s nice and everything, she’ll still date him even if he’s not her idea of the best looking guy.  Men on the other hand, they’re all about the visual.  They’ll stay with an attractive woman even if she’s a bad conversationalist and doesn’t know how to have fun!  – Um, so there’s my unintended rant on the subject!

While she was doing that, I got in a baking mood.  (I know, so dumb, I can’t go to the gym, so let’s bake something!!) ~L~ Anyway!  I made this recipe I got off a recorded episode of Martha Stewart that we watched a few days ago.  It’s called Hummingbird cake, and it’s kinda like banana bread, but it has pineapple, coconut and pecans in it.  I made it in the new bundt pan I got for christmas. (How much of a baking dork, um, I mean, domestic goddess am I? I get baking ware for christmas, and I’m EXCITED about it!! ~L~) Anyway, it turned out pretty good, I don’t know if I’ll make it again any time soon, but it’s fun to try new things.  While that was baking, I made some lemon loaf, a recipe I devised after becomming obsessed with the lemon loaf they sell at starbucks.  Taste wise, it’s dead on, but the consistancy is off.  The one at starbucks is pretty dence, more of a pound cake, and mine is really light and fluffy.  I may have to try out some other variations on my original recipe becuase I really love the thicker loaf.  Then, I made a batch of gingersnap dough, it has to sit over night, so I won’t be baking those until tomorrow.  It’s another recipe I "made up" by taking 3 differant recipes and combining them to make one perfect, ultimate recipe that I can claim as my own!  And I know mine’s better, because I made all 3 of the other recipes seperately, and mine kicks all their asses!! 

Later, we got out some scrapbooking stuff and worked on valentines, I used the computerixed mat cutter we have at work to make my own version of this chipboard book thing I was going to buy.  It was about 3×8 cut-out of the word love, with a heart for the o and all the letters blending together, so I figured out how to do it on our mat cutter so I made a bigger version and cut it out of acid-free mat board. (Becuase that chipboard crap is NOT acid free!) – I know, this is totally exciting stuff huh? ~L~ Anyway, we had fun decorating them all cool, and I’ll have to put up some pics when we finish them.  By the way, is it completely stupid to make a valentine for a boy who you aren’t dating and who doesn’t know that you like him? (Ok, well, I think he knows that I like him, but still!) Actually, maybe it’s not dumb, becase isn’t the whole point of valentines day to do stuff like that and make a fool of yourself? Heck yeah!  ~L~ Um, though I don’t know if I’ll actually give it to him, even though I should!

So I must admit, I started this entry while I was waiting for my stuff to bake, and it’s now about 1:30am, and maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t go to the gym.  I started getting some pain in the middle of my gut between the two major incisions.  I hadn’t taken any tylenol today, which I’ve been taking regularly since I stopped taking the percocet, but since I haven’t felt any pain, and I thought, why the heck am I taking these if I don’t even have any pain?  Well, turns out I need to keep taking them a little longer!  At least it was nothing major, but it makes me agreeable to waiting until at least after I see the doctor on Tuesday.  I think I should be ok to at least go to the gym by then, I mean I’m not going to over-do it there.  Kickboxing though, I think I’ll have to wait another week or so before doing that!  (But I really want to go back, if for no other reason, I want to see Matt!!)

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January 21, 2007

hey, thanks

January 21, 2007

I asked for cooking stuff for Christmas–not much of a baker, but I LOVE to cook! That hummingbird cake sounds great!

January 21, 2007

Wow…sounds like you cooked up a storm. I can’t cook…i set everything on fire! Glad your cake turned out wonderful…it is making me hungry! 🙂

January 21, 2007

thanks for the tip! will be searching (or steeling one from friend)