
I went to work today, even though I still feel pretty crappy. I feel better than yesterday though, but I would have stayed home today had I not all ready missed so much work becuase of my surgery.  I had an evil urge to not brush my hair this morning, just so I could look as bad ad I felt! ~L~ Then my manager spent half the day pretending she didn’t see me looking all crappy and sniffly.  I should have gone on a covert mission to spit on the door handle of her office… hummm… that could still work… ~L~  I managed to get some work done, then I was kind enough to run around spraying lysol on everything so my co-workers wouldn’t get sick!

Now indulge me while I whine some more about not being able to go to the gym!  I had one of those days today where I felt all fat. Becuase, you know, if you can’t go to the gym, then you start feeling fat, and you despise your fat for so stubbornly clinging to your body, then you (or at least I) try really hard not to despise myself at the end of the cycle. ~sigh~  Hell and tarnation!  I’m cursing about all this as I sit up at 11:30pm, a time we all know when sick little girls should be in bed, not on OD bitching about being too sick to go to the gym!  Mumbles *stupid head*

So I did some unofficial research on the significance of the number 23 (see: 90s Kid entry) There must have been some big deal about it back then, but I don’t remember it! So the 23 facts:

Associated year would be 1994, when you add 1+9+9+4=23

There is some kind of "frequency enigma" with the number 23.

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosones

The earth is on a 23 degree axis

The Mayans predicted the world would end December 23, 2012

Blood circulates the body on average every 23 seconds

And my favorite, aparently, there was a team of 23 aliens that seeded life on earth. (The internet is CHALK FULL of cool shit huh? ~L~)

This is a close runner up, these people are seriously reaching (this, in it’s entirely is a direct quote): "Bugs Bunny says in one cartoon "frick-a-frack-a fire-crack-er siss boom bah! Bugs Bunn-y Bugs Bunn-y Rah Rah Rah!" There are 19 syllables in this cryptic statement. 1-9=-8, or -2³, the prime number before 23. Wow… people are funny."

Another 23 info site:

And to add to the excitement, Jim Carrey:

That was so much more than I wanted to know… and yet, still doesn’t quite grab me as being all that significant… Though now I kinda fear that some loony with a 23 branded into his forhead will jump out and sacrifice me to the 23 seedy aliens… but maybe I’m not a very decent sacrifice, let’s see, I’m 28, which if you subtract 23, you get 5, and 2+3=5 Oh damn, I’m in trouble! (but at least the cold medicine seems to be working nicely!) ~giggles~


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February 1, 2007

I’ve heard about the 23 thing too (hence why one of the numbers in lost is 23, I believe). I’ve never seen it around, although they say that once you know about it, you see 23 stuff all the time. Which, frankly, is the same with everything, I think.

February 1, 2007

can’t wait for your next entry… Have a good day

February 1, 2007

“I should have gone on a covert mission to spit on the door handle of her office” -that my friend was just classic. bravo! -the #23. i had no idea. i’m 23 years old. should i be frightened? oh my. lol

February 1, 2007

Weirdo 23 stuff…ever read about the 111 or 1111 stuff? That’s all nutzo too. Anywho, hope you feel better soon!~jo

February 1, 2007

Ryn: They do come apart. But not easily and not during a bashing. However, if you NEED them to come apart, you get THREE weapons, not one!

February 1, 2007


February 1, 2007

hmmm that’s weird-all the 23 stuff. you really can find anything on the web. ha, i hope your supervisor felt guilty. she sounds like such a turd. i know exactly how you feel, not being able to go to the gym. i’ve had plenty of those days before. don’t worry. before you know it, you’ll be up and at it again and ready to burn off lots of energy! much love hon.