Best Date Ever!!

Today couldn’t go by fast enough! I was so excited, and only a little nervous, and still trying to figure out what to wear!  It really is so very nice to be this excited about a date!  I’m so glad I’m not freaking out about it!  I got off work at 4 and he was coming to pick me up at 5, so I had to rush home and take a shower and do the whole make-up and hair thing, and figure out what to wear in an hour!

I changed my clothes 3 times!  I kept getting too dressy, and I knew he was just going to wear a pair of jeans and a polo, and I didn’t want to pull out all the stops on the first date!  Then the top had too much boobage going on, then there wasn’t enough boobage!  I’m so darn picky!  ~L~  In the end, I went with a nice pair of jeans, a white tank top and one of my new see-throughish henleys in dark blue.  I was quite pleased with the result!

Thankfully, even with the excessive outfit changes, I was ready before 5.  It was a good thing too, since he actually showed up a little early!  He brought me a really nice flower arrangement, yes that’s right, not just a boquet of flowers, but an actual arrangement! 

 It looked better at the time, this picture was taken about a week later!

He also brought 3 plants for mom.  A mini rose bush, some lavendar, and tyme.  It wasn’t too awkward seeing him for the first time (in three years ~L~)  We hugged, and stood there grinning like fools at each other.  Finally I told him that I was just about to call mom to see if she had left work early to come meet him.  I got her voice mail, so I assumed she was on her way.  In the mean time, I showed him the back yard, I had shown him some of the pictures from the whole ordeal, but I mostly took him back there becuase I wasn’t sure what else to do!  Mom showed up not too long after that, she thanked him for the flowers, and made some sort of comment that was a little dirty (I wish I could remember what the hell it was!) he looked a little shocked by that, and I just shrugged and said, what did I tell you? ~L~  The whole time, he and I were standing pretty close to each other, it was nice to feel that comfortable right away.

We left there and went for dinner, the place we went to is usually packed and noisy, but since it was still a bit early, it wasn’t too bad.  We ordered our food, and a bottle of wine, and proceeded to sit there for the next two hours talking and laughing.  Yeah, two hours, it was amazing.  I’ve never been out with a guy in my life who I’ve been able to talk to so easily face to face.  I mean a lot of times I’ll talk to them on the phone, and everything will be fine, but in person, things seem to kinda fall apart.  This was so different, and so, did I say amazing all ready?  It totally was.  ~s~  We got another bottle of wine, ordered some dessert, he even fed me the last bite.  He’s got great hazel/brown eyes, I love brown eyes, there was some serious eye contact going on. ~s~

From there, we went to see a movie.  Usually, movies aren’t something I like to do on a first date, I mean the whole point is to talk right?  ~L~ Well, we’d done a lot of that, so I figured it would be all right!  We saw Shreik the 3rd, it was really funny, I know it was, even though I don’t remember much of it!  I may have been a little buzzed!  We were holding hands and trying not to paw each other too much durring the movie, it was really nice.

After the movie, we took a walk down the main street of town, I was going to take him to this coffee shop that I like, but it was closed, so we just walked around and window shopped, and held hands.  I don’t remember the precise moment or location, but it was some where along that street that we stopped for some reason and he kissed me.  Just a sweet little kiss, it was very nice.  Then, at some point, for some reason unbeknownst to me, other than I was still pretty buzzed, I started talking in this rediculous french accent.  ~L~ I really have no idea where I picked that up!  I was telling him about the different stores, things I’d bought there, why I wouldn’t shop there, and whatever else popped into my head!  At one end of the street there’s a fountain, we walked over by it, sat there and talked, kissed some more, well, maybe it was more like making out… ~L~ Nothing like a good display of public affection on a first date!  Even better than that?  Me taking pictures of it!

      I’m getting really good at taking pictures this way!  I showed mom a couple of them and she said it looked like someone else had been taking the pictures!  Um, of course I didn’t show her most of them… ~L~  

Finally, we pried ourselves away from each other and walked back to where he was parked, me still going on with the french accent, babbling about all sorts of things, and stopping along the way to kiss some more… ~s~   We drove around for a while after that.  I showed him where the drive in was, then I had to show him the very scenic make out point!  ~L~

By the time he took me home, or well, by the time I got out of the car, it was about 2am… Which makes for a nine hour date.  Nice.  ~grin~  It was, by far, the best first date I’ve ever been on, and I’d venture to say it may be the best date ever, first or other wise!

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June 8, 2007

How did I miss this entry?! I’m so glad that you had such a great time! How fun 🙂

June 8, 2007

yeah! i’m so happy to hear about the date. he sounds picture perfect. such cute pictures too. wow- a 9 hour date. that’s amazing. i’m so happy for you hon! you deserve this! much love ps it’s great to hear from you again too!