Assorted Mediocrity

This morning I managed to get my butt out of bed somewhat sooner.  I was at least able to sit down and have a decent breakfast rather than stuffing something in my mouth as I was running out the door!  (This mostly only happens on Mondays, since I have to go in at 8am to do the ordering.) For some reason, it’s massively difficult to make myself get up a measly half hour or so earlier than usual.  Hopefully, I’ll be turning that around soon!

I had a total PMS moment today, I was helping this older guy at work, and he wanted some stuff put together while he waited, five things actually, so he sits them down, and then just stands there and watches me.  I hate when people watch me, makes me nervous, makes me try to work faster, usually means I screw something up!  And I seriously felt for a moment like I was going to cry!  I finally went over and paged Cate to come help me. (On Mondays she works in the office, but I can steal her when I need to!)  The urge to cry stopped then.  It wasn’t like it was that stressful, so I blame pms!  The rest of the day went all right.  Nothing majorly exciting, no more strange urges to cry, no problem.  Well, I was once again feeling pretty tired.  I thought I got an ok amount of sleep in, but I obviously need more!

All day I was looking forward to going walking with mom tonight.  She had an appointment at a car place after work to get some prices, so we decided we’d walk when she got home.  It was colder than yesterday, but it was still nice to get out.  We did the whole 45 minutes today (actually, I’m just estimating the time, I keep forgetting to time us!) for some reason though, I didn’t feel like I got much of a workout.  I don’t know what’s up with that lately.  It probably has something to do with skipping kickboxing for the last couple of weeks.  Or maybe I just need to work harder or something.  When I walk, I really try to focus on holding in my abs, mostly because if I don’t, my lower back will get a little achey, and also because it helps strengthen them up!

I have one gripe about something random, there’s this local winery, and I’ve been a member of their wine club just about as long as they’ve been making wine.  Anyway, they have a series of summer jazz concerts, so I e-mailed them about reserving some tickets for all of their shows. (Five total over the summer.)  And the e-mail I got back makes it sound like I have to pay for them all now.  Huh? I have to dish out $250 right now for shows that won’t start until June and go through September?  They have my card on file, I don’t know why they can’t just hold the tickets but not charge me until a month before the show or something.  I plan on going to all of them, I’d even say they can charge me even if I don’t go, I just don’t want to pay for them all right now!  That’s crazy!  Actually, I don’t know why I’m worried about it, since I’ve got inside connections.  If the lady in charge of answering e-mails says no, I can always call and talk to Don, who’s the winemaker and the son-in-law of Louie, who owns the winery, and I’m sure he can help me out. ~s~  So there stupid e-mail lady! ~L~

All right, I’m actually going to go to bed before 11… woo hoo!!   (Well, the original goal was 10, but I had too many people to read and note! ~L~)


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March 13, 2007

LOL look at you with the wine connections! Subvert the system! Well done!

March 13, 2007

hahaha I love those PMS moments. I had one of those yesterday but I am definitely not PMSing. Explain that one 😉

March 13, 2007

hmm, i’ve never had a pms moment. my period usually doesn’t affect me too much. that’s pretty cool that you’re a part of a wine club. wine is so tasty.

March 13, 2007

i hate it when people stare at me while i am working. its like dude…get (like i tell the cats)

That makes no sense (about charging you NOW for all the tickets). I hate when businesses do that sort of thing just because they THINK they can!

March 13, 2007

I’m the same way – I hate when people watch me! And I’m not a people watcher. When we go grocery shopping it bugs me so much to watch the cashier bag our groceries that I usually go around and help. LOL!

March 13, 2007

Me too on the people watching me thing. What the hell take a frekin picture it will last LONGER! ~L

March 13, 2007

I always screw something up when people are watching me! It’s annoying to have them stare like that.