Another Party

I ended up going out again Saturday night.  My friend Maddie also turned 21 this last week, so I went out with her and my other group of friends. It’s really interesting, Friday night I went out with the girls, who are all about being cute and glittery and dancing and fruity drinks. Then Saturday night I go out with this other group who are, well, not exactly goth, maybe more punk? I don’t know, just much more subdued in general.  There are guys that come along with this group, actually more guys than girls, and there was a lot of sitting around, some pool playing, but mostly sitting around and talking. Which is perfectly fine with me, I mean I’m up for dancing when there is dancing to be had, but I’m good with chatting too.  In a way, I’m very out of place with this group. I mean I get along with them, and they like me (or at least none of them have told me other wise, and they’re the kind of people who probably would if they had a problem with me.) I’m just different.  As Aaron says, I’m just a ray of sunshine!  I hug most of these people, because I’m a big hugger, and it’s kinda funny because many of them aren’t really huggers, and I don’t think they’ve every really been hugged a lot, but none of them complain when I hug them. ~s~ Everyone needs a little love.

Jennifer was trying to set me up with one of the guys, who I’d never met before, and who bore a striking resemblence to the bison head mounted on the wall.  Seriously.  I wish I’d had a camera… Anyway, she’s trying to talk me into this, and I’m like, hello? Remember that valentine I made? The guy I have a huge mad crush on? I’m really not interested in getting involved with anyone else right now! (Which is true, but also a nice way of saying no without having to point out the resemblence to the bison.) She’s still telling me I don’t have to get involved, it could just be fun! *shudder* Then she’s telling me how nice he is, and normal!  I don’t do normal! Jennifer! Do you know me at all after 2 years? ~L~ I mean I’m fully capable of appearing normal and I’m sweet and parents love me, etc.  But yeah, beyond that,  I’m a strange girl! Ogres are like onions! There are layers! ~giggles~ Anyway, she finally let it go.  It seemed like she was pushing a little, or maybe that’s just what it seemed like to me?

It was a little weird, just because I’ve told her before that I’m not into one night stands, or long term "arrangements" that are just for fun.  At this point in my life, (ok, I think I’ve always thought this way) if a guy isn’t in it for the long haul, I’m not interested.  I don’t see the point in wasting anyone’s time.  If I’m dating a guy and find out something largely incompatable, that’s the end of it.  Which is why I haven’t been in a relationship that’s lasted more than 3 or 4 months.  I know, it sounds like I’m being too picky or unforgiving or something, but really, there are good reasons!  For example, I’m not going to stay with a guy when I find out he doesn’t want kids.  And I’m not going to stay with a guy who doesn’t know how to have fun and looks at me distainfully when I’m being goofy or laughing too much and too loud!  And I’m not going to stay with a guy who I can’t talk to for hours on end about everything, anything and nothing at all. I’m picky that way.

I guess that last part really didn’t have much to do with anything else, but oh well!

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February 5, 2007

you make perfect sense. one night stands are kind of pointless when you are looking to settle down. and you don’t sound too picky either. you just know what you like! i love getting and giving hugs too. i’m sure many of the people in this group secretly love it as well! much love hon.

“…bore a striking resemblence to the bison head mounted on the wall.” Oh that’s bad. Very bad. I once had a blind date (wish I was really blind) with a guy that seriously looked like a muppet. Bushy eyebrows. Bulgy yet narrow eyes. A triangular nose. A downturned mouth. What was even worse was that he talked so s-l-o-w-l-y.