Almost Wednesday…

I close tonight, so I went to see the chiropractor this morning, I wish I was getting some quicker results.  When we first started doing this, I thought for sure that I’d be all cured in no time! There has been improvement though, so I shouldn’t complain too much!

After I was done there, I went to Old Navy, where I found a ton of stuff to buy, $123 worth actually!  Eeek! Ok, I’ll probably be returning a few things, but still!  And of course my 20% off stuff and save bag expired two days ago! *curses*  I did find a couple of cute things though, most note worthy, a pair of black linen pants that fit beautifully!  (I’m really glad that someone in Wenatchee either shops on line or goes to the Old Navy in Seattle where they still have a plus section then returns stuff here!  I liked Old Navy so much more when they had a plus section here!! 

I wore some of my new clothes to work, the awesome pants and this henly-style shirt I got that’s kinda see-throughish (with a tank top under it!) It might be the date outfit, maybe.  It’s nice, comfy, but maybe too work dressy? I don’t even know what I’m babbling about any more! I mean the date outfit has to be casual and comfy, but look nice too, and have a little sex appeal, but not be too in your face. (Did I tell you guys how I wore a low cut tank top type thing on my date with Kyle and he was very blatently staring at my chest? I mean, not that I can blame him too much, because I was pretty in your face on that occasion, but still!) 

I haven’t been this giddy about a date in, well, hum, maybe never… I mean I’ve been giddy about dates, but this is diferant.  Other dates have usually been in the dark as far as how I looked, so all though I was giddy, there was a very real possibility (or, certainty) that the guy in question wasn’t going to be too happy when he saw me.  Yes, I know it’s terrible, but I’ve seen faces fall when I anwered the door. But presently, oh, this is all new!  He knows what I look like, and he really likes me, and I really like him too, it’s a whole new level of giddy!

I kinda wish I didn’t have to work so early on Thursday, doesn’t that just figue? All this time I’ve wanted to close on Tuesday and get off early on Thursday, since that’s the start of my weekend, and now that I’ve got that set up, I want the old one back!  Sheesh!

Mom was telling me the other night that I was talking a little too loud on the phone the other night and it made it hard for her to sleep, so I was trying to talk softly tonight!

Oh, so Luke sent me this sweet e-mail this morning, the opening line of which was, "Yep, it is Tuesday now, we have about 30 hours and 1 minutes till I pick you up….I can not wait."  *warm fuzzies*  He also mentioned us going to Seattle on Saturday, since we’ve kinda been talking about it.  I guess I’m a little apprehensive about that, I don’t really want to make plans like that before we’ve even gone out once.  But who knows, maybe if it goes well I may have to call in sick on Sunday!

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May 30, 2007

YAY! I’m so happy for you! UBER EXCITMENT! Oh and I understand the need for date casual not so in your face boobage. 🙂 Since, well, I am blessed as well. 🙂 HOORAH! I’m sooooo excited for you! 🙂 GO YOU! GO YOU! *I’m doing my happy dance you just can’t see it*

May 30, 2007

Have fun on your date!

June 2, 2007

yea for you! i’m so excited! i’m happy you can find clothes that fit too. i have such a hard time because of my larger than average chest. most shirts are cut for girls with a b chest. what about the rest of us? i know how you fell hon. much love!