A Mostly Good Day

Ok, actually, the only bad thing about it was that I got a flat tire, and not only that, after I changed the tire, I found out my spare was flat too… What the hell man?  That just sucks!  So now I have to get up early tomorrow so I can call the tire people and have them come air up the tire so I can at least drive down there so they can fix them both!  ~sigh~  (And just now I had an over welming urge for an orange soda pop, I don’t know why, but I thought I would share that with you… ~L~)

Anyway, this morning mom and I went to the gym at 8am and did half an hour on the elliptical machines.  (Ok, I did 35 minutes, since they tack 5 minute a cool-down on at the end!) Then, after I got home from work, we went back down and did two sets of our weight training circut!  I was even smart enough to take a notebook so I could keep track of everything we did, and write down how much weight I’m lifting on each machine.  I remember at WSU every time I’d go to the rec center and use their weights I’d have to figure out what to put it on because I never wrote it down.  I figure this way, I’ll be able to quickly set the machine each time, and then I’ll be able to track my progress better!  Yeah for me!  ~L~  After we finished that, I insisted on doing at least a little cardio, so I did 10 minutes on the treadmill.  I’d set it for 15, but at 7 it was starting to kill my hips!  But I had to at least go to 10, because that’s how I am!   I’m really proud of mom and I, and I know we’re going to be really dedicated to this.  I know I’m really excited about it!

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