A long update!

So Luke and I have officially been living together for three weeks now.  It seems longer than that, but not in a bad way. in the same way that it seems like we’ve been together for more than 10 months.  It’s all most like it’s just been this way all along.  I know that so far, it’s too early for me to totally brag about having the perfect boyfriend and the perfect relationship, but damn… I just love him so much, and everything has been so good.  Ok, fine, maybe not everything.

We were both sick for the first week.  Actually, Luke still has a icky cough.  So let’s see, I got here Friday night, got unpacked, started feeling sick on Sunday, worked Monday and most of Tuesday, spent Wednesday through pretty much the next Sunday sick, went back to work on Monday, and only worked like 3 hours, since the people who were in the vacation home we were supposed to clean were still there, though at least I still got paid for the whole day.

I had Tuesday off, it was my 30th Birthday, for which I have a whole seperate "oh my god, I’m THIRTY" kind of entry worked up for.  Luke had the day off too, so we drove into Chelan, met my mom (it’s about an hour drive from Omak to Chelan, and about an hour from Wenatchee to Chelan, so it works well for everyone! ) We had lunch there, and did some shopping, there’s a scrapbooking store there, so mom and I were thrilled about that! 

Then on Wednesday I went to work, which went fine, but then when I got home, I ended up having a bit of a breakdown, I just don’t want to be cleaning.  I mean even though I’m getting paid the same as I was at my last job, it just seems worse.  It’s one of those, I went to college so I could do this??  Kind of jobs.  So I cried to Luke, who did a great job at making me feel better.  He kept reminding me that it’s just a temporary job, just a job I took to get me up here, that’s all, and I’m going to find something better.  Which of course now makes perfect sense and sounds all logical, though at the time I was just miserable!

Luckily, going to work on Thursday wasn’t so bad, and Friday ended up being a partial day, since the new house we had to do didn’t take as long as Christina feared it might.  (She told me that the last time she had a new client, the house ended up taking 2 days to clean!)  This client though was dilusional, and her house was like so freaking clean, so it only took us about 1 hour and 45 miuntes to go through all the motions of "cleaning" doing the vaccuming thoughtout the house and cleaning all the bathrooms and everything.  It only took that long because the lady was so sure her house was a disaster and wanted us to clean under the beds and blah blah blah.  So yeah, Friday was only about four hours.  The only reason that sucks is becuase I have to work 2 hours just to pay for my gas to get me there and back.

On Saturday, Luke had decided he wanted to go to his dad’s to do their taxes, so I had him drop me off in Waterville, wich is about 40 minutes from Wenatchee, and the best part is that there’s a bus that goes between Wenatchee and Waterville, so I took the bus down to Wenatchee.  Mom picked me up, then she had to go back to this sewing class that she’s taking, so I took the car and went over to the Craft Warehouse and spent the next like 3 hours hanging out with Bill and Kim, so it was a good day!  Mom called me when she was done with her class, I went and picked her up, then we went and got a pizza and that night we went to the drive in.  We saw Alvin and the Chipmunks and the Waterhorse.  They were both pretty decent.  That night, I slept in mom’s room.  It was nice to stay up and chat with her and just spend some more time with her! It was also great to see my dog again! I miss my Maggie!! 

On Sunday, mom and I had breakfast, then we went to the frame shop, since I have this big red frame there, that I was supposed to put together before I left (because it’s mine!) Well, I had one side of it done, and I asked Tiffany to have Chuck finish building it, but well, Bill came back to work, Tiffany got fired, and my frame got forgotten in all that… So mom went to pick it up (since I thought it was done) and it fell apart when she put it in the car, so I had to glue it again the other day, then I went back to finish putting it together today.  Now it’s completely done.  See, it’s this big red frame with a bulliten board in it, which eventually, when I have a nice big kitchen to put it in, will be awesome, since all my appliances are red!

After we got home from that, mom went to take a nap, and I packed up some more stuff that I wanted to take up to Omak with me.  Luke called to say he was leaving Ephrata, so mom and I packed up my stuff and drove up to Waterville to meet him, we actually had perfect timing. 

On the way back to Omak, Luke and I were talking about Waterville as being an option for a place to live.  I never realized it before, but the distance for Luke to drive from Omak to Bridgeport for school is the same as it would be for him to drive from Waterville to Bridgeport.  And since there’s a bus from Waterville to Wenatchee, I could get a job there and it wouldn’t be a problem, and hey, I’d be closer to my mom and my friends!  Which is really the only advantage of the place.  Other than that, Waterville is really small and doesn’t have a whole lot going on for it.  There’s a little grocery store and a couple of bars and resturants, and that’s about it.  And if the bus isn’t running, the road to Wenatchee is this winding road down a canyon, so that would suck too!

Besides that, Omak is really growing on me.  I like the town, and it’s got some modern convieniences to go along with it’s quaint small town feel.  Luke and I didn’t have much of a chance to look around Waterville to see what the prices were on places around there.  We looked on line, but they were outrageous!  Seriously, for the actual town, the prices were just nuts.  Of course I’ve all ready told Luke that it’s better to go with a for sale by owner property.  Speaking of which, there’s one in Omak that we’ve been kinda looking at.  It’s a couple of blocks from our apartment, and it looks like a nice enough place.

Well, mostly because it’s only $56,000 (Um, or maybe $66,000, there’s a different price on either side of the sign!) Anyway, not like we have the money (though Luke could get it from his dad) and we have no idea what the inside looks like, but I’d all most say the property alone would be worth it, I’m not sure, but I’d say it’s close to an acre.  I mean if the house has a good foundation/electric/plumbing.  Those are the three things I don’t really know much about and wouldn’t really want to mess with fixing. Granted, my dad knows enough that he could help out with some of that, well, all of it, he was a contractor after all!  Really, I’m just excited about the prospect of having a house!   We’ll have to actually call the number and see the inside of the house.  And to be fair, we’d have to take a look at the Waterville market and see what’s avaliable there. 

My mom says it’s a bit too early for Luke and I to

be thinking about buying a house.  I think she’s still a bit worried about out relationship. He’s still so quiet around her.  And I still tell her that it’s odd for me to hear that, just because Luke and I really do talk so much and get along so well, it doesn’t even occur to me that some one could not like him or not see how great we are together.

Anyway, on Sunday I got a call from Christina that because of spring break and the snow (yeah, doesn’t that suck!) a lot of people had canceled their cleaning for the week, so she didn’t need me for the week.  Which on one hand is great because I don’t really like the job, and Luke is on Spring break, so that means I get to spend the week with him, but of course, it also means that I’m not getting paid all week long.

Which brings me to a rather un-fabulous thing.  For the last three weeks, I’ve had to have Luke pay for everything, rent, electric, everything.  Why? Becuase somehow I messed up my spending and had a $1000 bill, followed by a $600 bill… curses… So the only thing I’ve used my credit card for in the last like 3 weeks is gas. 

On the bright side, on Tuesday I had an interview with a furnature store here in town, and the lady seemed really nice, and it would be 40 hours a week, and hey, it’s like less than a mile from our apartment!  So I’m really keeping my fingers crossed that it works out!  I really need to get some other applications turned in and keep looking for another job… I have this bad habit of looking for jobs the way I used to look for guys, when ever I have a prospect, I just latch on and follow it to the end, and that’s the only thing I focus on.  I need to realize that jobs aren’t like that, I need to be going after every prospect that I can! 

The last couple of days, Luke and I have been walking at night.  It’s about a mile from our apartment to main street and back.  We’d walk further, but my hips have been killing me!  I told Luke that I blame all the sex!  He said that was nonsense, and there must be some other reason!  ~L~  Anyway, it’s nice to be walking again, and even though I’m having some issues, we’re going to keep doing it!  Eventually, I’ll adjust! 


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April 5, 2008

yea! i’m glad you’re back! it sounds like all-in-all things are going well. keep the lookout for new and better jobs. one will surely turn out. just keep sending out the right vibes! your mom seems to really have issues against luke. if she doesn’t like how quiet he is then why doesn’t she speak up? why doesn’t she engage him in convo? get to know him. it does take 2 afterall. much love hon