A long day

Work was all right, the day started out with me really in a panic about everything being so behind, and well, we’re still behind, but at least I feel like I got somethings sorted out.  They really need to give us more hours, this is getting out of hand.  You know the dumbest thing? Doug and Maxine told me to tell them when we were getting behind. Yeah, a lot of good that does! I told them, and of course no one can help, or has time to help, and they just go on being useless. Then the worst part is that I feel like I’m going to get another lecture on something, I don’t know what, but I’m sure it’ll be a good two weeks after what ever it is happens!  Yeah, fine, I really do need to get a new job!  I think I’m going to wait until after the summer is over, mostly so I have more feedom to request days off and adjust my scedule so I can run around and do things with Luke. (Once he gets done with harvest that is!) 

Next Wednesday I have to go to Vancouver for a meeting of all the frame shop managers of all the stores.  Robin and I are both going.  I’m glad she offered to drive.  It’s even better now, since I can stay up most of Tuesday night with Luke, and Robin and I probably won’t leave until later on Wednesday, and I can sleep on the way there.  That would probably be for the best anyway.  Robin seems nice and all, but I don’t want to let myself get lured into a flase sense of security and start talking about all the work bullshit and the idiot people. She has said things before that are very manager oriented, like she’s all ready been brain washed by the corporate monster, so it’s very possible that anything I say would get back to Doug and Maxine.

We’ll be driving over there Wednesday night, the meeting is Thursday, then we’ll be driving back Friday morning.  The worst part about the whole thing is that it’s going to even further limit contact between Luke and I.  Just when I didn’t think it was possible to miss him any more than I all ready do!  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the hotel will have a computer avaliable for guest use, then I’ll at least be able to e-mail him. 

I need to get in touch with my dad’s girlfriend. She was talking before about having a big birthday party for him, and I’m hoping to talk her into doing it the weekend after his birthday (August 6), since the weekend before his birthday would be August 4th, and that’s the weekend I’d be in Vegas with Luke for his friend’s wedding.  I really wanna go to Vegas!  I mean I all ready RSVP’d to go to Vegas, I have ta go!  *pout*  It’s a little funny that I’m actually excited about going to Vegas, I never thought that would happen!  I guess the company makes all the difference.  ~s~

I’ll just have to talk to Shawna about the birthday plans.  I don’t think it would matter much when it was, and I’m pretty sure that if I tell her that I really want to come, but I can’t make it that weekend, she’ll be able to do it the next weekend. Besides, if she wants it to be a surprise, that would be better! He wouldn’t expect it the weekend after his birthday! Yeah, I’m a little evil and selfish that way!

I also really want to take Luke to meet my dad and everyone.  I don’t think I’ve ever been excited about taking any one to meet my dad and the rest of the family… Wow.  I wrote Luke an e-mail joking about how if we went up there when he got done with harvest (about mid July) then he’d be able to officially ask my dad for my hand in marriage before we ran off and got hitched in Vegas.  ~L~  I also included that I hoped I wasn’t taking the joke too far!  Though after that I did go on to say that while we’re in a complete drunken fog in Vegas, we must do our best to stay away from the temptations of Elvis and other creatures that will try to lure us into their drive-through window chapels! ~L~

I got the sweetest e-mail from Luke.  He mentioned again how he keeps reaching out for me in his sleep.  He also said that he wished I were there so he could see me every day.  Awwwwww…  It is so great having a guy who tells me things like that.  I mean, I guess Jake did, but I don’t know, this just feels different.  I’m glad it feels different.  For a while there, it felt too much the same.  Did I mention before that I’m so, so glad that I didn’t hit the panic button? I’m so glad… ~s~

An exciting development, mom got tickets to a night of improv with Ryan Stiles!  Her friend won them through the radio station, since mom is going to be at grandpas for the next week, she gave them to me, and by some miracle, Luke might actually have that night off too!  That would be so, so great!  Oher wise, I’m going to have to figure out who else to take with me.  I’ll have to look at the schedule and see which of my friends would be free, then ask them if they’d want to go, that is, unless my boyfriend happens to be avaliable… ~s~  I’m keeping my fingers crossed big time!

The freaking sod still isn’t done!  Ugh!  Mom didn’t do anything Tuesday when she got off work, and tonight we ended up going out and running errands rather than laying sod.  This means I’ll have to use some of my garage cleaning time to finish the F’en sod…  Lucky for it that it looks so darn good out there!

While we were running errands, I saw the most beautiful book case ever.  It was $199, but it was so gorgeous!  One of those really tall, double wide mahogany deals with fancy carving going on at the top… *droool* I really need to learn to save my money for cool things like that!  Oh, and as if that weren’t enough, I also found a set of dishes that I really like, $99.99  ~sigh~ But it’s a 30 piece set, and very pretty!  I wish they had lay a way at costco!  Hum, I am house sitting later this month, so I could buy one of the two… hum…  I don’t really have room for the book shelf, and I’m guessing they’ll have something similar at some later time, since my grandpa bought a couple of them a few years back, though I think these ones are nicer.  The dishes though, those I may never see again… hum…. I’ll have to think about it!

After that, we went to dinner at our favortie mexican place, since we were starving!  It took us forever to decide where we were going to go!  The good thing about that is now I have all these leftovers, so I won’t have to think too much about what I’m going to eat while I’m trying to focus on cleaning the garage!  (and laying sod!)  Oh, and mom told me today that there may be more sod!  Good lord!  Though hopefully, it won’t be for a while.  I need some time to get this experiance out of my head before I can get excited about more of it!  I guess the good thing is that most of the yard will be done, so it won’t be quite as much of an undertaking!  Maybe this time it will be only a couple of loads! 

I ended the night by writing Luke a very long e-mail about everything, ok, actually I copied a lot of the context of this entry from the e-mail I sent him!  The e-mail was longer though, since there was other stuff… ~L~ Ok, it wasn’t all like that, some of it was, but not all of


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