A little too much

On Wednesday, I went to my kickboxing class, and even though I’d gone last Wednesday, this week it was much more brutal.  Occasionally, our instructor gets this lovely idea in his head to do a bunch of squats, then work on the bob and weave, which leads to some really sore thighs!  Actually, yesterday he only did the bob and weave thing, so I’ll be thankful he didn’t make us do like 50 squats on top of that!  If you haven’t guessed by now, this means that today my thighs are incredibly sore!  But, I was still good.  Durring my break I walked over to get my coffee, which isn’t a really long way, but it’s something.  Then durring my lunch I walked to the grocery store that’s past Starbucks, so I was proud of myself.  On top of that, I even went to the gym tonight and did 35 minutes on the elliptical! 

My thighs are still sore, but I don’t think I did too much that I won’t be able to do anything tomorrow.  In fact, I probably really need to do something tomorrow so my muscles don’t get all tight and cranky!  I may even brave the Saturday morning kickboxing class and pray that they don’t do any more bob and weave for a while!  I’m thinking I may consider getting up early on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to go to the gym with my mom. I told her I really can’t handle kickboxing that early in the morning, but the elliptical would be fine!  Besides that, I really do think I should be going more elliptical than kickboxing.  I’m going to believe my theory that to lose weight I need to be doing more walking (or something like walking) rather than the higher impact kickboxing. 

Anyway, I decided that in an effort to focus more on myself, I’m not going to waste my time with boys on line.  So I deleted my profiles from all the on line sating sites.  It’s not like I’ll be missing out on anything anyway, none of them have yet to produce anything, which is really crazy, becuase you’d think I’d get SOMETHING out of at least one of those sites (I was on about 8 of them) You’d think the odds would work out to at least one decent guy!  Oh well.  I’ll probably be signing back onto them in a few months anway! 

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January 5, 2007

thanks for the new years wishes! kickboxing must be fun but definately hard. good job keeping up with the classes. sore thighs mean smaller and well toned thighs! good luck hon!