45 minutes, 42 seconds…

That’s how long I was on the phone tonight with tech support trying to get our internet working again!  Some screwy thing with the ip address or something… hell if I know!  I just did what the nice lady from India told me to do!  You know, if Iraq or whoever the hell we’re at "war" with really wanted to "win" they would just refuse to solve our internet and credit card issues!  (All right, I don’t really know what I’m talking about, but I kinda do, so yeah… oh, and by the way, tonights random-ness is brought to you by cheap pinot grigio!  Which tastes better than I thought it would, or maybe that’s only because I drank a half bottle of huckleberry riesling first!! … I’m not a wino damn it! Or maybe I am, whatever!)

I was supposed to go out with the girls tonight, but I decided I didn’t really feel like it.  I don’t have the money, and it’s really no fun if you’re sober!  Besides, some of the people I like the most weren’t going to be there, so what’s the point?  I’m such a brat. 

Remember how my dog bit the neighbor?  Well, they reported it to animal control, like 8 days later… turns out that after a dog bites someone, the dog is supposed to be quarantined for 10 days to make sure it doesn’t have rabies.  Which means we had to keep Maggie inside for a whole 2 days, actually, 2 nights and one day.  She could go out side to do her business, but that was it.  Anyway, it wasn’t a big deal, though the lady from animal control said we needed to get our dogs licensed.  So today we went down and bought them, I had to pay $30 for Maggie, since she’s not fixed (some day I’m going to breed her, so her little demon off spring will always be around to bite stupid neighbors! ~L~) Mom only had to pay $10 for Annie.  While we were there, I whined about wanting to take home all the kitties they had!  I would have whined about wanting the dogs too, but they keep the dogs back in the other room, the cats are right there where you can see them!  Yes, I’m allergic to cats, but they were all so sweet!! I loved on all of them!  I wonder how Maggie would react to having a cat around?  ~L~  All right, it would probably be a dumb idea, but I love animals!  (I was thinking about how I needed to get a parakeet last week!) 

I have more to write, but I’ll do it later, I drank a little too much to be able to focus… ~L~ I guess I am a wino…

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April 14, 2007

You’re only a wino if you drink it out of a paper bag. Heh.

April 14, 2007

I hate going to the animal shelter, because I always want to take home all the cats!! It’s so sad 🙁

RYN: No, I can’t wear anything but thanks for the compliment. I am working on it though. I’m going to try and do a 30 day fitness challenge. We’ll see if I survive. I’m only on day 4! haha P.S. Loved this entry. Wish I could have been sipping some riesling and pinot grigio with ya!

April 14, 2007

Who do you have for internet service? Because I’m have that same problem I think and I think it has to do with the IP address to. its soo annoying

My dog bit someone once. He deserved it tho’, don’t they always? Glad it wasn’t too long to have to be in side for the poor thing.

RYN: That’s interesting! I did not know they were pushing down their collarbones. That’s got to hurt!