233 (Again)

On one hand, I’m pleased to report that I’m back to 233 after last week’s nasty little bit of trickery, on the other hand, I think I’m going to change my weigh-in day… ~L~ Officially, I weigh-in on Sundays, though since about the beginning of the year I’ve been weighing myself everyday. It’s really strange because there have been times in the past when I’ve tried this, and it’s just kinda messed me up.  Like if I gained, I blew it, might as well eat some more, and if I lost, hey, I’m doing well, it’ll be ok if I eat a little more! What logic huh? But lately, it’s just been nice to see the number be a little less than it was on my official weigh-in. Even if say it’s 231.5 one day, then 232 the next, I’m not bummed about that becuase both of those numbers are below the "official" 233.  There have been some times where the scale dips down to some beautiful, mystical number I haven’t seen in ages, (in this case, it was 229.5 on Friday!) but on official weigh-in day, I don’t get that number. Suprisingly, I’ve been ok with this.  I view it like, ok, the "offical" weigh in was less than last week, and I’ve seen that lower number, so I know it’s possible! 

Maybe I should change my official weigh in day?  I guess it really doesn’t matter in the long run, as long as I keep trying.  I probably would have gotten a better weigh in this week if I’d actually done any exercise!  I should have on Friday, Saturday and today!  I don’t really have a good excuse.  If my room had gotten cleaned all the way, then that would be something, but no. (Though it really is looking a lot better!) Today I at least walked over to Starbucks to get my coffee!  Still, I should have gone to the gym, I know!  Tomorrow though, tomorrow it’s back to kickboxing! (I’m going to be so sore on Tuesday!!) I hope Matt is there!  Oh, goodness, that reminds me, I’d better start  figuring out what I want to write in the disclaimer! (And yes, I probably will write ~disclaimer~ right along the top of the note, because that’s my sense of humor!)  I was going to write more, but it’s getting late!  So goodnight!

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Oh I know!!! I get so discouraged when the scale goes up even the slightest, and I feel like quitting altogether! lol It’s horrid. i try not to weigh everyday because of it. lol 🙂 My weigh-in days are Monday! I think Monday is the best day because you have the entire week, and it’s right after the weekend, so you have to have strong accountability on the weekends and keep on track!

February 5, 2007

I always found thursdays good. I don’t know why. But if I weighed myself again on friday, I would be the same. But on thursdays, my weight went down. Weird!

February 5, 2007

Good stuff! Yeah my weight fluxuates something fierce too. I was down to 195 lbs one day last week and now this morning I was 200 lbs. By the time I weigh in tonight at WW I’ll probably be 202 or more and I’ll have either not lost or maybe even gained. Rawr!~jo

February 5, 2007

We all play such mind games with ourselves and those numbers on the scale. LOL! Just keep doing what you’re doing, because you’re doing a great job! I’m still jealous of your kickboxing – have a great time. 🙂

February 5, 2007

The same thing happened to me, where I would get a really low number mid-week. So I changed my weigh-in day, and I still have the same problem, lol! I would just look at the weekly loss and accept the fact that your weight will go up and down all week 🙂

February 5, 2007

i am the same way when i weigh myself! the number’s too high, my whole day is ruined and i eat eat eat. the number is low, i treat myself. yikes!!!! change your weigh-in day if you like. just try not to go too crazy and weighing too often. much love hon!