Have you Ever


So nothing has changed. I got a few txt from her, and I finally broke down and gave her a call this evening. I don’t know if I was right in doing it, or if I should have let her make the first move. Truth be told, getting kinda tired of waiting, but I miss her oh so much. Guess I shouldn’t tell her that, but well its a little to late for that. She told me about Xtreme Home Makeover being filmed three streets from where she lives. I wonder why she said that. I mean that is what initaited the txting this afternoon. I took it for what it was, just something I guess she felt that she had to tell me. Then I started thinking well three streets down. That would be a 12 street radius from where she lives, cause she didn’t say if it was north, south, east or west. Then i was like, well maybe she is giving me the clue, that way i can try to see where she lives, and I can finally send her a flower or something. But then i realized that I was just chasing the dog by the tail. If she wanted something from me, she could have already givin me her address. I wouldn’t have to sit here like an MI6 agent and try to find it out of the blue. Then I thought, well maybe she just wants to see how persistant I am. Bottom line is, I am not going to do anything. I can honestly say, that if I really, really, wanted to, I could find where she lives, but I choose to respect that about her. There is a reason why she dosen’t want me to send her anything.

Have you ever been in one of those situations where you do something, and it won’t work. Then you close your eyes and give it a love tap, or say a quick prayer, and then boom it works. Yeah, thought so. So do you think that closing your eyes or saying the prayer really helped. And do you find yourself from then on, doing this silly retual before you do said thing. Yeah, don’t know why I said that, but was thinking out loud.

Well I guess that is about it for tonight. I think I might have to go back to San Antonio and just get me a hotel room on the river walk for the rest of my vacations. I can’t believe I am going to say this, but I wish I was back at work. I am starting to get bored of sitting here at home doing nothing. Oh well…might as well enjoy them cause you never know when you will get more..



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September 29, 2008

i didnt mean it in a bad way or even being rude…i meant the way you said things were beautiful…i meant it in a good way