Well it is almost the weekend, and I have no plans. Need to find myself something to do. I am done painting for a while at John’s house. I need to take a break. Two weekends in a row, and well I need a little time for myself. Not to mention, that I need to so some shopping..
Alright so the shopping thing didn’t sound to good. Kinda gay I guess. Ok, retract the gay part, it was just a figure of speach. I have Federal Jury Duty in May, and I need to go find me a nice suit. God, that is going to be intresting. Not the Court, but finding a suit. If you know my as well as you think you do, me in a suit is like cheese on ice cream, it just does not go. Oh, well there is always a time for everything. A time to try something new. I guess I won’t look that bad, heck I might just even like it. Will for sure have to get some pics..who knows, it might just be the last time, in a long time, that I get dressed up like that. Don’t think I am getting married any time soon..lol. Never been to a Federal jury selection audition, I call it audition, cause well that is what you are doing, so I am kinda nervious, and xcited at the same time. Xcited, cause well I watch too much Court TV for my own good, and nervious, cause I don’t know what to xpect. I was talking to Johnny boy about it, and he said he went once or twice and got off. He said, if you get selected and want to get off, this is what you do. When the lawyer askes you what you think, tell him like this. If the man is on jury for killing someone, tell him that you see the case as if he already killed someone, and if the jury finds him guilty, then he should be taken out of the backdoor of the Court House, put in a van, and xecuted on the spot. No sense in waisting tax money, in providing him with some meals and a place to stay. You take a life, you must pay with your life. And not to drag it out for five six years. Yeah, I had the same xpression you are making, when he told me about it…All in all, I guess I will have to wait and see what happens.
Work is going alright. Again, work will be work. THings are starting to pick up, we are finally out of the winter rutt, and well we are starting to make money. Got good news today too. Boss man says, that since we are finally caught up, I can go ahead and order ther Baby Desert Eagle that I have been wanting. It was about time. I mean to be honest with ya, I didn’t have the money last year when I wanted it, so I saved and saved. So now, I shall have no problem getting it. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens.
Finally managed to catch up on watching all my recorded tv shows. Caught the end of Prison Break, almost a month later. I am still stuck on not knowing who in the blue hell Whistler is suppose to be, or why he is so important to the company. Heck as a matter of fact, I have no idea what the purpose of the company even is/was. I guess once I burn the seaon onto DVD, I will replay them all, and see what I missed. If anybody knows, or has an idea, chime in, seeing as the only person that watched it, seems to not want to talk to me any more. Now do I think it is over, I hope not. To many questions are left to be answered. But then again, the story is starting to get old. I think if they would have finished it off with all of them getting to Panama, splitting the money, and each going thier own way, it would have been great. Again, trying to pull ratings, killed the show. Nothing against them making it longer, but I think they lost some fan base, when they started to go to far into left field. Oh well. I haven’t done any homework on it, and I am not sure if they is going to be a season six, but we will have to wait. If there is, fine, if not how well.
Finally catched up on Survivor. I have not been too loyal. I forget about the final four, so therefore, I missed the episode that aired on wed. ANd then I missed last weeks episode. BUt forget about that..did anybody catch tonights. Talk about not xpecing it. Kinda glad ozzy is finally gone. He was the clear cut winner, if he would still be around. Its all good. Pavarti or how ever you spell it is still around. Sexxxy I know. Amanda is also still around, but na, she isn’t that good looking anymore..lol. Sad that last week was when Eliza got kicked off…damn it. So who is going to win, I don’t know. I bet my money on Pavarti, but like in real life, you never know. You win some and lose some…
Speaking of lossing, I had one hell of a note left on my previous entry. It is still there, didn’t delete it, like you thought I would. I mean, I always said that you needed two sides of a story, in order for people to understand. She wrote her half, and I wrote mine. Tempted as I was, I didn’t go look at your diary. I meant what I said, when I said deleted was deleted. No need for me to be around anymore I guess. Unwanted would be a nice word to use, but I will not. I am still stuck and will forever be stuck, on how you changed so fast in the conversation. That still gets me, and will continue to get me. Everything else, well nothing I can do to change it. This is not about getting back, or being a sore loser. I just want it to be clear, that I am not mad, or upset, or anything. I am just curious about why you changed in the conversation. The invite is open, if you ever wanna talk again. A little bit is better than nothing. Although, for now, the ball is in your court. Whatever you decide to do, talk to me again, or leave me, I will still be here. I am done for now. Don’t know what to say or do. All I do know, is that there are so many things that remind me of her, and every time they happen, I kick myself in the ass and go why.. Why, why, why….Guess I will never know…
Goodnight, and till then…
On Prison Break, Whistler is supposed to be a transvestite who sells tampons for the company. LOL I totally just made that up. I have never even see the show before. 😀
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