Open Diary Freaks me OUT!
So for like over a week now I haven’t been able to get on my open diary, which has stressed me out…because even though I’m a shitty updater, there are five plus years of selective documentation on my life in here! Including how I met my sons father, and those are things I just don’t ever want to lose!
I was worried that once again maybe od had been hacked or something else crazy. Which I’m still mad about that back in 04. Crazy that someone would hack a diary site…seriously. WHY!?
My computer got infected with the think point virus the other night, and it was hell trying to get rid of it but finally I figured out how to use safe mode with command prompt and kicked that viruses ass.
We are seriously struggling right now because im not working, and joe is BARELY working, and now we are facing losing almost everything. Its pretty scary being pregnant and wondering when your utilities are going to get shut off. 🙁