Happy Halloween, of COURSE!

  Im a bit sad to be so fat and preggo on Halloween, missing the pub crawl with my friends, and missing the costume parties and such.  I was thinking if I did go out to a party I would prolly be a pregnant snooki haha. But seriously why even put myself into a position where everyone will be a drunk around me and I’d feel even MORE like a mom than I already do. ha.

This is my favorite holiday, but still I think it’s the best idea to sit it out. I may stop by my moms house and help pass out candy over there. I was invited to a girls night by my other preggo friend caroline, where they will be drinking virgin daqueries and pigging out on candy lol. But I only know caroline, and she is 6 years younger than me, so its a little unsure whether or not I would be comfortable with so many just out of high school aged girls. Its surprising how much the maturity thing really does happy over the few years youre out of school 🙂  Caroline is pretty cool though, I will give her that. I am just not sure that her and my friend dustin, who is 24 or 25 are really going to succeed in this baby mama baby daddy thing. They are so different as people..one is soooo laid back and likes to party and drink (dustin) and one thinks beer is the devil and there must be strict order at all times. (caroline),   They tend to fight and clash and stop talking for bouts at a time and it maes ME miserable because I hear it from both sides. I try to remain supportive but I don’t think that just because you have a kid with someone that you should neccessarily have to be together. It would be beneficial to have two parents in the home but they dont live together and if they are fighting more than getting along than I don’t see how that would be healthy for a child in the first place.

I didn’t really expect so many people to have an opinion on my last entry about drug use. I know its a controversial topic, and everyone will view it differently. And each person will think that their personal opinion is the right one, myself included ha. But the topic isn’t really open for discussion. I’m sorry. This is my personal diary, not a twitter or facebook post and I will say what I want, because that is how I feel. I don’t feel that I shouyld have to go friends only on this just because I like to constantly meet new people that are going through what I am going through of things like that. I have met a few friends in my life online that I wouldn’t trade for anything, and hell we couldn’t be more different as people! 🙂 

Anyways, thats about it. I hope everyone has a fantastic and safe Halloween…I’m thinking of dying my hair dark chocolate brown again, but putting a few crayola red streaks in the front and bangs. Been wanting to for a while but havent because of work, but hell now I’m out of work for a month at least so lets GO FOR IT! YAY!

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October 31, 2010

ryn; that’s true. do you know how many times people are weirded out by that knowledge that i don’t do any? being the metalhead type of guy, people expect me to be alcohol smart, but completely oblivious to it all. to be honest, i have many associates and few friends because of the fact that people are assholes. i have a few that come to mind that **** hit the fan for them and i was there.

October 31, 2010

but of course, a week later, they are moved on and thus, never/raaaaarely heard from again. it gets old. fast. so you start to develop the attitude where someone says “my grandpa died!” ‘oh..that sucks.’ because why should you give any sympathy or care for the person when they’ll disappear in a week or 2? no point wasting effort.

October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween back at ya! Bummer you have to sit out for your fav holiday this year, but passing out candy sounds like a good time too. You’re due pretty soon, right? LOVE the idea for you hair. Also, read your last entry and totally agree. Take care!

November 1, 2010

My favorite holiday is the one where I get to kill Santa. What about purple streaks for your hair? Take care.