Brendon David Tiffany, welcome to the world.
So on November 12th, 2010…my life changed forever. I went to the doctor jut as planned to get screened for fluids since I’ve been running low side for a little while. My non stress test went fine, heartbeat nice and strong and no contractions showing up as usual. Which I found funny because seemingly every time I go to the dr I never had contractions but always felt them at home. Well anyways, when it came to the fluid check the nurse was having trouble finding any at all. Then she said she could only find 3. The safe amount is about 8. They checked with another nurse and she found just about the same amount so they sent me to see the OB dr alkhabbaz.
He checked me and said that he would be sending me to the hospital to be induced. I was shocked because after all the complaints of being pregnant this would finally be the day he would be born. I went home and packed a bag and got a shower in and headed to the hospital. We got there around 1 and settled into the birthing room. The nurse set me up with the non stress bands and saw that without even needing an induction I was already contracting at 3 minutes apart. They weren’t very strong but they were there. They came to draw blood andget me started on my IV fluids and the nurse they had helping blew out two of my veins trying, which hurt so freaking bad. They immediatley swelled up and bruised. They sent in someone else and she did it on the other arm with no problem at all. Then they put me on cervadil, which was supposed to help soften and open my cervix. Well it did that and much more, by giving me the stringest contractions ever, every 20 seconds or so apart putting my baby and me in ditress. He didnt have enough fluid to cushion him from these non stop contractions and his heartbeat kept jumping steady up into the 190s and then would dip super low during a contraction. I was in more pain than I could describe.they said there were 3 people in line before me to get the epidural and epi prep can take 45 minutes as well. I was in such pain but taking it pretty well I think. I didnt kill any nurses….
Finally they broke the news that he wasn’t going to make it this way. We waited for hours trying to get his heart regulated but it just wasn’t working. I couldn’t help but cry as they said we were going in for an emergency c section. The anesthesia dr freaked me out. He was like "for the procedure you have two choices. The spinal epidural, which side effects may cause in a rare case paralysis or we can put you to sleep, but the chances of you not waking from that are much higher than the risks of an epidural. I know they have to tell you those things and make you sign the damn waiver but that doesn’t mean that I was happy about it.
They rolled me into the room and put up this blue sheet that made it so i couldnt see anything. I felt pressure and tingly and numb from under my breasts down, and started shaking and chattering my teeth. I Could feel them cut into me and I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. my blood pressure dipped low about three or so times blurring my vision and they had to get some weird shot into my shoulder to make sure they didnt lose me. Brendon was pulled out very quickly and they had joe cut the cord and barely let me look at him before they rushed them both out to tend to my continuously dropping pressure. They took forever it seemed but i made it to the recovery room where joe brought me pictures of brendon in his incubator. A perfectly healthy 6lb 80z boy. He has my nose poor thing!
I now and all drugged up on Norco, which makes me feel more sick then anything, ibuprofin, sulfer, dol co lace, prenatals, and something else i cant even pronounce. After a four day stay at the hospital I came home and enjoyed more of the no sleeping i got there what with all the things there are to take care of a newborn. I’m in more pain than I have ever been but I know there is a light at the end of this tunnel. I gave birth weighing in at a whopping 187 lbs…dont know what i weigh now but some of it has def gone down. my arms are smaller, my face as well, and other areas. I dont look but maybe 3 months prego yet so thats a huge improvment. I see changes daily. I get my staples out today at 2 pm.
so far brendon is a cutie. Hes spoiled rotten tho as right now he wont go back to bed unless he is in my arms..which is why i had to type this whole thing one handed. oh well. i can now see why so many boys are mamas boys haha.
Congratulations! You had a hell of a delivery- you are one tough woman! He is so handsome and I love his name. I’m so glad to hear everything went reasonably well and that you are doing ok. Hope you have an easy recovery.
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