Went to the movies Pt.1

Yeah.. well, lets see! I woke up this morning, and called Renee a little afterward.. I went to her house and watched the Grinch cartoon.. made me sick and I was crying at one point! That movie scares me shitless! *shivers* But oh well, at least I got through it. Then by the time I came home at like 1230, I was tired as a bitch and slept till like 4.. and Simon was supposed to come over at like 530, so I dragged myself out of bed and managed to get ready.. So I sat around, and BLAH dee DAH. He ended up coming at like 6, because there was some party for the foreign exchange students program, or something. *shrugs* Oh well. But when he came in he smelled so nice, and fresh from just having been outside.. its hard to explain, but I like it when its kinda cold outside and someone comes in and , well, ya know! It was just really cool.. and I felt so relieved to see him, having spent all of yesterday not having seen him at all! Its kinda pitiful when you go crazy not seeing someone for one day! But I had went a week seeing him everyday, so I guess I got used to it. It was just so nice to have him there! And I could tell he felt the same way, he was all happy and everything.. he got his hair cut! On the phone, he said his hair cut makes him look smart.. Im not sure if it does, but its cute none the less..

::mind snaps::

Renee had called Reto this morning and asked if he wanted to go to the movies with her, me and simon.. and he said yeah. But when Simon came over, he was all by himself, and said that Reto had went to a birthday party for someone related to his hostparents. I dunno.. but it pissed me off, and it still pisses me off, that Reto does things like this. Even if he HAD to go, its just the fact that hes so damn consistent that it makes me wonder.. its not really any of my business, but shes my friend and I just dont think it’s right! I just wish I could bitch smack him and make him give her a clear answer about everything, but he can keep hiding in his shell, that’s his business. He just doesn’t need to bring Renee into it! *sigh*

::mind snaps::

Hrmph. Anyway.. I finally got to give Simon a hug.. and since he, and hugs, are two of my favorite things, being able to hug him and just be with him made me feel sane again! Ahh, so nice! So anyway, Simon saw our dog.. he usually is afraid of dogs, but my dog is so tiny that he was able to say it was cute, and pet it and stuff. My dog kicks ass! HaHAhHAhAhaahhAhAhHAha! *cough* I mean, yeah.. uhh.. nevermind! Me and Simon walked to the theatre.. which is aboout 20 mins away, so it was all good! It only took 20 minutes because we were walking slow. Oh yeah.. I have this phobia thing, or maybe its because I get so damn self concious sometimes, where I hate when people stare at me.. so Simon has been trying to break me of that, by trying to get me to look him in the eyes for little bits of time.. and its not easy! I always get this urge to look away or put my hands in front of my face, or something, but I have been getting better. He just tells me I have nothing to worry about, and the only reason people stare at me is because I am so wonderful and beautiful, but its also embarassing for me to hear things like that too! But I have been trying to accept all of the compliments and believe them!

**continued in next entry**

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