The fair is over!***
***I’ll put this edit at the front of the entry I guess. So, I don’t know if any of you are interested in news about the kitten, but she has a name. Noah took my suggestion and has decided to name her Simone, after Simone de Beauvoir. Simmy for short. Umm.. that’s all.***
I have been pretty lazy lately, relaxing too much. I have been applying for jobs like crazy too though, so that makes my late night antics more justifiable, I think. "Antics" meaning walking around, watching cartoons, reading, or having drinks with people I have known for a long time. I’ve never really understood people who devote themselves almost religiously to the club scene; while I do respect those decisions and admire their energy, it’s not something I could ever really do, ever.
Last night my friend Renee and I went to the fair that’s in town. And… yeah. It’s been in town for the past week or so, and I’m happy that it ended last night. We hung out there for a little while because we were going to meet another of our friends there, but we ended up getting really restless (tired of the crowds and the weird smells) and ended up walking around town for an hour or so. After we walked to the classic places we used to walk to in high school (a.k.a through a field to a parking lot) we decided to go to her place in Fort Wayne.
We ended up watching The Venture Bros. there. A drinking game that involves taking a drink (not a shot, thank god!) every time "Venture" or "Monarch" is said isn’t the best idea. Oh, and Renee’s boyfriend mentioned that we should also drink every time Helper (the robot) did "that beep-boop-beep thing". I did realize that you could pretty much die if you drank every time they said "Doc" though. I ended up staying up until 3 or 4am I think, so I didn’t really wake up until around…. noon or so. I have really been feeling like a bum lately. I do wish that my phone had a sensor that could tell when I’ve been drinking though, and would disable the texting function on my phone accordingly. I have a terrible habit of Texting Under the Influence (TUTI… awesome) that I’m sure is terribly annoying to my innocent victims.
Umm… everything is fine though I guess. I am getting really restless since I don’t have a job, and have been applying to what feels like a million places over the past few days. I really hope something will work out soon because I haven’t been able to unpack my car yet and it’s really starting to drive me nuts.
Oh! So last October Paul was in an accident (he was driving someone else’s van and ended up hitting some dude’s fancy convertible). Paul just found out that he is being sued because of it, because I guess the settlement amount that his insurance company offered the dude (plus the settlement money offered by the insurance company of the van owner) wasn’t enough. Gotta include "Pain and Suffering" of course, though the dude wasn’t even hurt. And… yeah. That’s all I know about it. Now Paul has to find a way to get from D.C. to Oakland, CA on December 10th for the court date. Drama!
Luckily my life is basically drama free right now. Things with Paul are cool, and I’ve been hanging out with Noah probably 2-3 times a week. I know that Paul still thinks I can do better than Noah, but I’m still having a good time hanging out with him.
Yeah, I just lost all of my motivation to write. I hate when that happens!
The roomate started to move out his things. He wants to leave the tv and tv stand here, so free goodies! I think by monday everything will be moved out.
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I am looking for a new job as well….
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I love that you named your kitten after a feminist philosopher 🙂 I’m not a fan of the club scene, either. *shrugs* I’ll go out with a few friends to the bar or club for a few hours maaaaaybe every few months or so, but it’s not something I particularly enjoy or seek out. Or fairs for that matter, for the same reasons you cited. The noises are obnoxious and the smells are nauseating. Technically I think Texting Under the Unfluence would be TUI (it isn’t DUTI after all) but TUTI just sounds so much better. My friend Dawn is guilty of that on occasion and luckily it is simply amusing when she does. And… I’m sorry, but that lawsuit is WHACK. Pain and suffering from seeing his car get a few scratches? Whatever. But I’m sorry Paul’s got to be subjected to the drama. Though I’m glad your life is significantly LESS dramatic.
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