Soccer game

Yesterday @ the soccer game was pretty cool.. Renees dad was being SO damn crazy, so finally we said “Stop the car!!” and he let us out,even though we had to walk all the way around the middle school to get to the soccer field >; But thats ok though, since we needed the exercise because we are such fatties!! >=]

Well we got there, and there was this admission booth that would have cost $4, but the guy (Andy, from my US History class) was sitting inside, and I asked if we had to pay, and he said no.. so me and Renee each saved $4!! Woohoo!! So anyway, me and Renee went in, trying to look for Simon and Reto, but the sun was very bright so we couldnt really look into the bleachers.. So we just sat down at the bottom level of the bleachers, and I guess Simon had seen us because he came down and sat by me.. we talked for a few minutes, and Reto came over.. so we told him to sit by Renee, and he did.. so after a few minutes, me and Simon decided that Renee and Reto needed some alone time to talk, so we went over and sat on the ground, in the shadow of one of stadium lights, so the sun wouldnt blind us.. so we were talking, surely about some crazy shit like we always do.. oh yeah, i taught him a new word: zodiac.. so he kept saying it over and over, and said he would write it down, only he wasnt really pronouncing it right because he kept putting an “n” sound in it.. but oh well! So we talked, and I kept looking over periodically to see what Renee and Reto were doing.. and one time I looked up, and he wasnt there! So I waited a couple minutes, to see if he was going to come back, but he didnt.. so I told Simon I had to go over and see what was going on, and he said he would wait for me.. and he said, in this pitiful little voice that he always uses when he tries to get me to feel sorry for him: “If you come back, I will be happy.. and if you dont..I will be sad..” So, i laughed at him,insisting I would be back, and went to talk to Renee. She told me that Reto had went to talk to the soccer team, and it made me kindof mad because he just left her.. so I told Renee to come sit on the cold moist ground with me and Simon! And she did! Bleh, and we were all sitting peacefully until Simon was trying to tickle me.. see, he didnt know what “ticklish” meant, so I showed him on Sunday by tickling him..and since then, there’s been like a tickling war.. unfortunately for me, he knows where I am ticklish and exactly how to tickle me, which sucks balls. But I know the same for him. So its all good! So anyway, he tried to tickle me, and it went back and forth until we were both standing, because I was too paranoid to sit down, and he wouldnt sit down if I didnt. Renee stood up too, and I tried to tickle her because I was in a tickling mood, and she almost spazzed! Not really tho.. so anyway, we just stood there for like an hour, watching the soccer game.. Simon stood behind me with his arms around me, and I heard people saying things like “Aww Simon, isnt that sweet!!” Anyway, it was pretty cold by then but I wasnt really focusing on the cold.. and technivally Simon is on the soccer team, even though hes not allowed to play until next week, so would say “Go Barons!” even though it would make me laugh, because his r’s sound like w’s, but he insists to me that they are German r’s.. so then he kept saying “Go Barons!” just to make me laugh, and he is still doing that.. and today he said it, but I didnt laugh, and he said “You didnt laugh! That is very strange!” but once again he couldnt pronounce the r’s, so then I laughed.. I am going to torture him soon, by making him say “rural” which is a really hard word to say, even for a born and raised American like myself! Go ahead, try to say it, and concentrate when you are saying it.You will realize it is difficult!.. but thats ok, he laughs at me when I say something, well, anything in German.. especially “Nichts Besonders” or “Ich habe Hunger” so, i guess we’re even.

At halftime, he had to go talk to the soccer coach to let him know he was still there.. and while he was gone, I realized I was pretty damn cold, especially since it was kinda dark by then.. and when he came back we went in the school, which was open because of back to school night, and he had 2 sweaters in there, including the one he let me wear the other day.. so he gave that one to me, and Im pretty sure that he literally GAVE it to me, because I asked him later if he wanted it back, and he said I could have it.

So we walked back out to the game, and by then we had been showing affection towards each other, which is something we still practice.. He said he was getting a ride home from the coach, and I said ok! By the way, we ended up losing the soccer game, just to let you know.. when there were like 7 minutes left on the clock, he said “I probably should go at about 4 minutes, to let the coach know I am going with him” but the time dwindled down to three minutes, and hes like “Nahh.. it is so much nicer over here” and he stayed till time ran out.. so then he had to go over to the team, and said he would have to come back towards me and Renee because he and Reto had to carry the “water cooler” another new word I taught him.. heh.. and we make jokes about how German people have to carry things for the Americans.. Simon just loves that stuff! =p So a few minutes later, they came back, and he said “Debbie!” So I turned around, and there he was carrying the cooler like some little German slave.. but still, he held my hand the whole way. And he said he had changed his mind and wanted a ride from Renees dad, even tho he is scared of him, so he could be with me longer. So I just said “Aww, thats sweet!” and we were joking around.. so me and Renee had to sit outside while they took the cooler into the boys locker room.. then Simon came out and squatted in front of me.. then this guy came out and said “Come on Simon, are you riding with us?” and he said “No, I have a ride!” and he patted my head.. and the guy said “Aaahh.. that a boy!” and he left.

*next page*

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