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Oh boy. What a day. My sister is in dance and I just got back from her dance review and it was 3 1/2 hours long! I was freezing, we were at my high school auditorium and I was stupid and wearing sandals.. then I almost peed my pants when we left. Literally! *sigh* Well of course Brent didn’t call me today. It’s getting to the point where I don’t care anymore! I just wanna kick him in the nuts and have that be the end of it. Maybe by the time he calls me I will already be in Georgia! Ahh.. that would be sweet revenge! If someone who is reading this has access to the information I am requesting, would someone please tell me when I am supposed to go to Georgia? I’m free! I’m just sitting around eating chips all day with nothing to do! As a matter of fact, Roger just brought me a sloppy joe and some chips. GET ME OUT OF HERE! By the way Kenny, yes Chewwie is the one that attacked you for wearing that mask, and also attacked you for no reason that other time. I know shes a demon, and I call her that regularly. Yes, I definitely have to break up with Brent. He is such an ass. Why would someone go that long without contacting their girlfriend? I mean, he could have at least written.. and I cant call him because Im not sure which house he’d be at. But like Renee says, I shouldn’t dwell on it. Renee is lucky because her boyfriend is coming on Tuesday! I wish I could be as lucky to have a guy who wasnt a complete ass.. even tho Toke used to be a bastard =). Anyway.. I sympathize with guys when they say that girls always fall for jerks. And I know thats true because Ive done it a couple times… Like when I started going out with Daryl, I KNEW he was a jerk but I went out with him anyway, and sure enough I had to break up with him because he was acting like a HUGE jerk, so I was like : Man! Screw you! It’s over! And I was happy. That was so easy because we were only going out like 10 days.
News Flash!!! A bug just actually crawled IN the keyboard! I dont know how! Dont ask! It was one of those damn earwigs that practically infest Auburn.. I would make my cats eat it, except the sly little things have pinchers, so I smash them with my shoe. One time I smashed 2 that were in the process of mating. 2 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets see.. the kind of guy Im usually drawn to is someone tall, popular (by chance) and has muscles and niiiiccceeee shoulders(thats my favorite part), oh yeah and their also jerks. So my new strategy is to find someone who is the total oppisite of that description. Heres my new dream man: Short, anti social, and flabby.
Yeah baby! I also usually like facial hair, so now I will find someone who is hairless. It makes it sound like I want a fat little kid. Oh well. So now I will bring up Marcus and Renee’s relationship! Ah! I know details I would rather not know, and have heard of situations I would rather not see either of you in. DAMNIT Marcus!! I told you that Renee was Jimmy’s type!! Not YOURS!! You were just excited about getting bootie, WERENT YOU?! *sigh* I am flaberghasted! Oh well, but don’t tell me any details of your little…. thing you got goin on. Anyway, I shall go wallow in self pity now. See ya later.
geez.. now you’re making me nervous about moving to Georgia… oh well.. -angel
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