My crazy cereal and old people dreams!
So.. lets see. How can I ever describe my day! Well, early this morning, waaaaay early, Marcus called me. It was nice to talk, but I always get cranky. Its ok though, right?
So I remember 2 of my dreams this morning.. this isnt a dream, but I got pissed because someone called my house twice, asking for people who didnt live at my house. That was interrupting me between my sleepy times.
Anyway.. one of the dreams.. i dont remember much since its been so long.. but I remember Renee and I were in this place, and everyone was eating cereal. Maybe it was breakfast time, or something? Who knows. There was a group though, and it felt like people I knew, like a school group or something. Anyway, the only person there I really recognized besides Renee was Justin Buchs. (A guy from my school, my friends know the story with him.) And, he was eating a cereal called “Yet”. I dont know if this was some wierd code word or something? But he looked hot. ::cough:: And I remember the cereal I had was cookie crisp.. i remember because in the dream I asked Renee if she ever had cookie crisp,and she said no. I replied with a startled: “Really?!” And that was basically it.
Then I woke up from that dream and decided it was too early to get up, so I went back to sleep.
Then I had a strange dream.. I’ll start off from where I remember. It was like a “Clueless” episode.. the sitcom. I was driving around in a big SUV thing with this preppy black guy (like from the show) driving. We ran a red light, and we were all goofing around like “Ohhh no!”.. and then from far away we started to hear sirens, and I looked back and saw a cop coming after us. But then there was this stop light, and the cop was stuck behing a lot of other cars. So I was like “Yeah! Hes stuck in a traffic jam!” But we turned the corner, in this big ass SUV, and went into what was basically inside a building (Anyone who has been to the Ft Wayne mall- it looked just like the apple orchard place) So we were driving around.. then we stopped and got out and there was this old guy with a mop and he was smiling at us but it was clearly a fake smile. So we all just kept walking. Then it turned into this place where it was like, we had hijacked this little cart, where you push milk or something, but i thought of it as “the old people cart” in my head. I dont know why. Then it turned into a different group of people, and it was some group project. I remember walking with this one guy, thinking “what are we going to do?” and once again, Justin Buchs was in my group, but walking far ahead because we were all confused and shit. Then we came to this place that was like the commons area at my school, but it was like a rival place.. but it was full of old people. We opened the doors, and the room was full of old people. It looked just like our school cafeteria, but OLD! And instead of “Barons” on the walls, it was something else. Then we had the cart… the hijacked milk old people cart or whatever.. and a guy in my group started giving this the room full of old people and everyone. “Here in Bock County..” blah blah.. I just remember parts of what he said. “You see this? Until 930 this morning we didnt know what any of this meant”. And he kept talking. It kinda felt like it was me, because I felt proud of myself, but it wasnt me.Then he turned around because he had this jersey on.. There was just scriblles on the front, but on the back it said “KEEP”. And I guess that was pretty important. Everyone started clapping for him. Well, he looked at us like “Come on, clap!”
So then it turned into something different.. I might have been with the same people, I dont know. But it was this wierd game show thing.. kinda like “Top Dog”, where you have to go against the other players, but it was in my basement. Im pretty sure I had dreamed of it earlier in the night, then went back to sleep and dreamed of it again. So anyway, I had been on the show once.. I went down into my basement, there were a lot of people there. This lady came up to me and asked if I had change. I made something up about not having any and she got really angry with me. Really, really snotty and rude. Mean even. So I just went to sit down. I remember there were rows of tables and I think I saw these little girls in raggedy brown dresses scrounging around.. so anyway, the way you got on the show was, you had these special coins.. so I dumped out this HUGE pile of change, telling people I was sitting with the story about that lady asking me for some, and I was looking through for my coin to be on the show.. It was this thing like a quarter, but patriotic looking and it had the word “CHAMPION.” So the host lady started the show, explaining ruled and I was very nervous and scared.. then it skipped and I was up there answering a question, but I got the question wrong and I was relieved because I didnt have to go one on one with another player.
And thats basically all I can remember. Strange, eh? Especially how this time I got specific words that were really important. Awhile ago I got a name. So I wrote it down to see if it ever comes up. Well, this is really long enough!