Free bag pandemonium
Entry with complaining (complainey??) goodness back one.
So the volunteering today… was pretty miserable. We worked at an information booth and had people fill out cards to receive free bags and vouchers for free hot dogs. People went CRAZY over this stuff! They swarmed all around the table, pushed each other around, extended their arms as far as possible toward us, and even did some yelling. For a reusable bag and a hotdog? I don’t quite understand the frenzy, but it was an irritating way to spend 3 hours. The other 4 hours we were there we walked around, ate lunch (a hotdog, of course), and oggled some dogs that were fully clothed. I even saw a depressed looking police horse and sat in some relish. Nice.
Paul’s leaving for Peru tonight (or, well, 2am tomorrow morning), so I’ve spent a lot of time listening to him talk in an attempt to quiet his nerves. I really don’t mind though, because his nervousness is definitely understandable!
I don’t work tomorrow, so I finally want to send in all of my paperwork for the Rochester Americorps program. I need to fill out a member profile, and type out something that explains why I’m interested in working in certain areas. I also need to come up with a way to express my career goals in 2-3 lines. Uhh… "something with non-profit, legal stuff" doesn’t sound too clear or intelligent. ::le sigh:: I’m sure I’ll come up with something.
Ooh! I finally finished reading a book today: "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera. I really liked it, and would definitely recommend it. I’ll try to describe what it’s about, though I might fail miserably: Being is ‘light’ for us because there aren’t things we have to do, it’s all ultimately up to choice. It’s unbearable though because we never know if the choices we make are best because we only get one opportunity, one life to get it all right. Everything only occurs once, making existence lose it’s weight. I don’t know if that makes sense. It’s a good book though, following the lives of 4 people and 1 dog, exploring how they interact and how their lives intertwine.
Anyway, there’s my short-ish update.
what may I ask is a police horse?? 😛
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I dunno, hotdogs are pretty amazing, I might put up a fight for a free one 🙂 The book sounds interesting!
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I’m sorry there was so much misery. Volunteering isn’t supposed to be this painful. The Unbearable Lightness of Being is FANTASTIC!!!! Have you ever read anything else of Kundera’s? How about Gabriel Garcia Marquez?
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