Finally writing about Dan
I dont know specifically why I named this entry that. ::sigh::
So, Ive been alright lately.. basically I have been consumed with Dan.. and oh yes, work. Last night was my 3rd time doing sandwiches. It can get stressful. Damn, tomorrow night I have to work for over 6 hours, till like 1am. It will suck. But money is cool.
Im still talking to Dan, and blah blah.. I talked to him on the phone on tuesday and wednesday night. In this diary I really havent said a whole lot about him or our experiences. Im not sure why. I guess I could start sometime.
Im really not into talking to a whole bunch of random people.. even though it seems that in my past I have been in relationships with a lot of guys.. I have, but I try not to make them casual and all that crap. I try to make it productive in some way. I dont know if it works.. but hey, Ive been doing alright.
So Ive been talking to him for a couple of months now.. more like, Ive been ‘together’ with him for a couple of months now. I understand exactly the depth that an online relationship can have. And for anyone who doubts the possibility of it, screw off. heh.. Renee knows how it is. And basically, it doesnt matter what anyone thinks.. I know how I feel..
He is extremely intelligent and creative yet funny as hell. He always says something really wierd and funny. He has a wierd and crude sense of humor, though its still very intelligent.. and I think thats the best kind to have.. I suppose it fits well with mine. He’s also extremely expressive with his emotions, but he’s still very logical. It seems quite frankly that he doesnt have the usual flaws that Ive found in most guys (arrogance, being irriational or insensitive, or flat out stupidity) and he never gets too caught up in his own emotions to ignore mine. But he also has intense (passionate?) positive emotions and is capable of making someone feel no less than absolutely loved.I dunno.. on top of it all, I think hes hella cool and we bond well.. we clicked really well when we first met and we are still getting along surprisingly well.. we compliment each other almost perfectly. Its all odd. but hey, its working.
So anyway, I got a package from him today. Today is our anniversary of some small number of months, so he decided to send me something. What it contained: A shirt of his (it has his smell, and also its a way of transporting our energy by sending personal property), it had his favorite CD (which was sentimental), he sent me a card and some life savers (he likes to send me candy- and the card was.. nice.) Then he also sent me his own personal digital camera, so that I could take pictures of my life and all that stuff. I thought all of it was really sweet..
He’s.. well, I cant even say.
Thats all I’ll write about him for now.
and people thought your brother and i were crazy when we got together, because it was an “online thing” screw ’em all, they don’t understand =P angel
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