D@mn I used to be stupid..
..worrying too much about what everyone else thought of me. (Thoughts like this go through my head when reading my old diary entries). (Hm..).
Theres a damn back massager thing on the computer chair, and I dont like it because when I try to sit back so far, enough so to but my foot on the chair, my ass is on a wierd part of the massager thing and it starts to dig into my ass. Not actually IN my ass, but more like its chafing my ass bone. What the hell is up with that?
Im a little tired. Right now Im just sitting around.. oh yeah, Im also waiting for my laundry to get done, which is like a late night ritual of mine on Sunday nights. The dog is walking around being stupid, I dont nkow where Chewwie is.. oh, I just saw the light reflection off of her eye. Shes hiding under the end table, staying away from the dog. She should just rip his face off and get it over with.
Today I filled out most of my first college application.. yay.. isn’t that ‘hella’ exciting? Since its my first college application ever, the thought of actually getting accepted hasn’t even entered my mind. It seems too far fetched. So I dont know what the hell to make out of all of it. I guess I’ll just send it in, and have that be that.
I was so mellow today.. it was nice. I was laying in my room with my Dave Matthews music (as always) and I was so damn mellow.. I was all loving myself and everything. It was cool. Then I came downstairs and had to eat dinner with Roger in my presence, and I was glaring and radiating such pure deadly hatred that it was.. amazing. Then I returned back upstairs, away from Roger, and I was hella mellow again.
Damn, I love myself, and I love being mellow. Har.
No corrupt world to oppress my free spirit! Oppress me? No thanks!
I keep spacing out because I keep resting my head on my knee and briefly closing my eyes, and it feels nice because Im tired. But I have to be strong for the sake of the dryness of my clothes.
I have to work tomorrow.. and tuesday.. and thursday.. and friday (long ass shift).. so that means good ol’ Wednesday is my only weekday off! And I didnt even look at my schedule for the weekend. Damn crazy ass shit! Good thing Wendy’s has such good food, otherwise I wouldn’t be so faithful to them! ::drools:: Wendy’s has some gooooood food..
Cool.. in all my stupid rambling I managed to come up with a pretty good sized entry. Isnt that interesting.. this is an example where quantity is better than quality. But ahya (word I just typed up..), deal with it.
Whew! Im tired now. And.. ::frightening music:: I think I feel little twinges of pain in my uterus..
::shakes fist at the sky, then down at uterus:: Whhhhyyyyyy!!!?!
*hrmph* Ok, I’m out..
oh debbie you’ll get into the school i mean why wouldn’t you your applying early and well most people haven’t thought about any of it yet
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