It’s so hot..I feel like I am a piece of bacon being fried in my own juices..turning a sickening brown, sizzling, squirming….. Sorry! I am just so bored.. I feel like I would enjoy gnawing off my foot for entertainment.The kittens are still running around. Theyre like a gang of wicked bikers, taking over my house >^.^=)
Well, tomorrow is when I go to Georgia. Currently, I’m kinda worried about my little bro Casey, who lives in Georgia.. He’s 10, and has been getting really bad headaches, so they took him to the emergency room to get a CAT scan. <=- I hope hes ok, hes my little buddy.. *sigh* Hopefully someone from my family down there will sign on and tell me..
Well, Im leaving tomorrow morning and Brent didnt call me today. I guess the trip will be good to get my mind off everything, and I can maybe have some fun, and wont be as bored. I HATE waiting around for guys to call me. I dont wanna let them control me like that. So I just go outside or hang out with my friends or something, and if they call when I am gone, then I say HAHAAAHAHAHAHA! Maybe they should have been a little more considerate and not left me waiting by the phone! Oh well. . .I guess I have just learned not to trust guys, to accept that most of the time they are lying, and to not put up with their $h*t!I have such a wierd outlook on life.. I think I am, for one reason or another, too wise for my age.I have people who sometimes are much older than me (im 16) come to me for advice. Isnt that grand.. Well anyway, enough praising myself. I guess I should go finish packing, because its almost 10pm, and I am leaving in the morning =D Well, Ill write soon. Cyaz!