Back in IN

Alas, I am back in Indiana. My cat Chewwie was pretty glad to see me..she was licking my face and everything. But I dunno, since it is like 11pm,theres not much to do. Noone is online for me to talk to or anything and I am feeling pretty lonely.Its wierd to come back and see most things just the way that they were when I left.. Its kindof sad to get back into the old schedule, when I am missing so much from Georgia.Its just depressing in a way, but soon Im sure I will find it reassuring. Sometimes I just dont like change.Like most people, sometimes I just wish I could have what makes me happy.. but like a Dave Matthews song says, “What would I go on for,if I had it all”..I dont know. I guess its just a lot to think about. I should be starting school soon, on the 21st..and sometime this week I have to go and get my school pictures taken, for my school ID, and I have to register and get my schedule and everything. I dont know whats on my agenda for tomorrow..I guess I will talk with Chewwie, see how Renee is doing, wait to talk to Marcus, and get a cage for the bunnies…

Oh yeah, that reminds me! We brought 3 bunnies back from my grandpas house, and one of them is mine. He is the cutest, softest, fuzziest little white bunny, and I am stuck on 3 names for him/her; Killer, Tuna, or Cadbury. I will pick one soon, I hope.

I wish I could get over my sadness. I should be glad though, considering everything. Or I should at least feel semi-good.. maybe its just all the traveling, and sudden changes, and what not. But for now, I guess I should go. I will write again soon, rest assured. Cyaz!

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Hi i hit your on random…leave a note in my diary sometime