You’re all right. Michael Jackson was a person and he was a great singer. I guess what I meant to say is why do they have to keep on and on about him. Whatever!
I just came back from my gyno.
She said my blood pressure was high but that everyone who came to her had high blood pressure. She is going to stop taking women’s blood pressure. I don’t know why my pressure would be high. It’s not as if I was a teenager going to the gyno for the first time. She said I only needed to come back every two or three years. She gave me a prescription to stop the itching. She checked my breasts and said I only need a mammogram every two years. So apperently I am good to go.
I am still very upset about my friend. I sent her an email today and she answered that her DIl is having bowel surgery so she had her granddaughters for two days. Guess it took her mind off herself but I wonder how she managed. I offered to see her tomorrow but she said she would be busy. I’ll leave the ball in her court now.
So now it’s time for lunch, then the treadmill and then we are going to my son.

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July 1, 2009

I saw my GYNO yesterday as well, I am doing great from my surgery and wow I didn’t have any high blood pressures. I hope you have a great day!

July 1, 2009

My blood pressire is always perfect..not sure why though.

They call it “white coat syndrome” when you see a doctor, your blood pressure goes up. It’s not really high blood pressure unless it’s elevated over a period of time and a number of readings. You’re healthy! YEAH! Too bad Michael Jackson is not. LOL. Messing with you. I’m totally caught up in the MJ story. It’s so interesting! I wish I could go to Neverland for the memorial but it will be packed.

July 2, 2009

Yes, as talented as MJ was, they do need to let him rest in peace now… is getting a bit much. Glad the mammogram went well. hugs P

July 2, 2009

Thanks. We’ll be leaving for the zoo around 10:30 am today. I’m sure I’ll have a few pics to share; they might be of the same animals as the last zoo entry, just depends on how far my body will travel.