Yesterday I woke up late – about nine. I had breakfast and then got some parcels ready to send my grandchildren. It took me quite awhile as I sent about three envelopes to each one plus one to the three of them. I bought one of those books from Hallmark. I had to fill out custom forms for each one. I also called the clubhouse and left my name for the woman in charge of paintings to be hung in the clubhouse. I have to wait about two weeks. It will be exciting if she decides to hang my paintings.
Then I went out. I started by going to the post office. I went to a new one as there is a REPTILE store that moved next door to the one I usually go to. It would just make me too nervous. The last time I was there the man told me that he had found a snake in the store the previous morning. I feel bad not to go there but I would be too nervous. Funny when my friend use to say she wasn’t going shopping in a store next to a pet store I thought she was silly. Now I’m dong the same thing! I must call and tell her. It didn’t take me long as the lines moves quite fast and they had two assistants helping people as they came in.
Then I went to Michaels. I had some coupons and a gift certificate so that helped cut my cost down. I bought some stuff for my Hanukah loot bags.  I also bought some felt to try to make some Hanukah decorations. I don’t know if I’ll have time or not. Now I have to go buy some Hanukah bags. I hope the Dollar Store has them. Many of the Dollar stores here have changed to DEALS where prices are up to five dollars!
Next stop was ROTELLI for lunch – pizza and their yummy fries. Then I went shopping in the New age store close by. I bought a journal for my friend who is sick with cancer. I encouraged her to write in it. I wonder if she will. I also got her one of the ELF books. They are so encouraging and fun.
Next it was the mystery store. It is a store devoted to just mystery books. I bought two books written by an elderly woman. So far it’s quite funny!
Then I went to BOOKS A MILLION. Can you tell I love books???? I bought a few cards there and also had a coffee. I have started to drink iced coffee which is delicious and great on a hot day. I read my book for awhile and left.
Next stop was the Jewish Community centre in Boca Raton. I picked up some of their literature to find out what is doing there. I wonder if I should have waited for the New Year. Anyhow I have to read through them and see if there is anything I’m interested in.
Then it was BORDERS! I had a coupon but when I got there I saw that the store was closing and everything even the fixtures were on sale. I was tired by this time so I looked around a little. 
Then it was home!!!!!!!! I just had time to change my clothes and head to a friend’s for supper and bridge.
My poor friend has cancer and is returning home for more chemo!!!!! I will hope and pray that she can come back soon.
That was my very busy shopping day. Since hubby goes golfing on Monday I will probably shop. However once January comes I will be starting an art class on Monday mornings.
Today I will do the Wii and go swimming. I also want to hang up my Hanukah decorations. I can’t wait to put up my tree. For supper I will  make some salmon/potato latkes. The rest will be frozen for Wednesday night. I am still not sure I have enough food for my Hanukah party. I have about twenty coming. Three people will eat and rush off to a show at the clubhouse. I wish they would have decided to do on or the other!!!!
So far I am serving:
potato latkes
salmon/potato latkes(maybe another kind too)
miniature quiche
fruit/vegie salad someone’s bringing
salmon dish someone’s bringing

Maybe that will be enough. I guess I better get some fruit. I might make some cupcakes and I have to decide if I want to use my chocolate fountain. I’m hesitating as it’s a bit messy.
So that was my day and that’s my day today. 
Of course at night we play bridge so it will be another full day.
Time to get some more rest if I can fall asleep.

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RYN: When you say no dancing offered here — do you mean in Florida? are you sure about that? what city are you in?

November 30, 2010

sounds like a fun day. The Barnes and Noble near Lincoln Center is supposed to close one of these days – I never thought of them having a sale… hmmmm.

November 30, 2010

sounds like a very busy day. i went to books a million when i was in tennessee. there aren’t any here. only barnes and noble. but, i usually go to my local bookstore. i like to shop locally if i can. prayers for your friend with cancer. take care,

All that shopping would wipe me out, but I would like to see that mystery book store! Your menu sounds delicious.

You have fun all the time! What a life!

if you like books there are more excellent sites you can visit try this one and there are others

November 30, 2010

RYN: Yes, I use a regular sewing machine. It is at least 40 years old, a Sears Kenmore, all steel, still sews a straight line without hand feeding it… The throat is bigger than the newer ones, probably makes feeding big wads of fabric through. I began by stitching in the ditch, easy as pie…

It sounds like my kind of day. I love books and one of my favorite jobs was working in a bookstore on base while we were stationed in Germany.

November 30, 2010

Wish I was in Florida, it is freezing cold here!

November 30, 2010

I give up! lol glad you had a goo time. hugs P